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AIIMS Gorakhpur Recruitment 2022

AIIMS Gorakhpur Recruitment 2022 The Rolling advertisement will be limited to seats that remain unfilled in the previous recruitment

AIIMS Gorakhpur Recruitment 2022

The Rolling advertisement will be limited to seats that remain unfilled in the previous recruitment cycle eligibility will be determined with respect to cut-off dates for the respective rolling cycles except for the first cycle of notification further notification would be published only on AIIMS Gorajkhapur official website

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

AIIMS Gorakhpur jobs and other vacancies through online only mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about AIIMS jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Professor job 28 posts
  2. Additional professor job 21 posts
  3. Associate Professor job 18 posts
  4. Assistant Professor job 92 posts

AIIMS Gorakhpur Recruitment 2022 for Professor 

Name of the post Professor 
Number of  vacancies  28 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. 2,20,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  58 years
Educational Qualification

1. A medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or Part II of the third schedule to the Indian medical council Act of 1956 (a person possessing qualifications included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section

2. A recognized postgraduate qualification e.g., MD/MS or recognized equivalent here to in the respective discipline /subject

3. M.Ch for surgical super specialty and D.M for medical super specialty 2 years or 3 years or 5 years recognized course or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto

Experience: fourteen years of teaching and /or research experience in a recognized institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D /M.S or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto

Additional professor job

Name of the post Additional Professor 
Number of  vacancies  21 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 2,00,000/- per month
Upper age limit  58 years
Educational Qualification

1 to 2 same as for the professor (Medical)


Ten years of teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D /M.S or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto

Associate Professor job

Name of the post Associate Professor 
Number of  vacancies  18 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 1,88,000/- per month
Upper age limit  58 years
Educational Qualification

1 to 2 same as for the professor (medical)


Six years of teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D /M.S or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto

Assistant Professor job

Name of the post Assistant Professor 
Number of  vacancies  92 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 1,42,506/- per month 
Upper age limit  58 years
Educational Qualification

1 to 2 same as for the professor (medical)

four years of teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in the subject of specialty after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D /M.S or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto

General Conditions:

  1. All the posts carry y usual allowances as admissible o central government employees of similar status at Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 
  2. The applicant’s applying advertisement should check their eligibility for the post applied for they must be fulfilling eligibility criteria on the closing date of applications failing which their application will be rejected
  3. In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post he/she is required to fill the form separately for each post
  4. The candidates have to send a signed copy of the offline application form along with self-attested copies of certificates/documents in support of fulfilling essential  criteria of age, educational qualification, teaching/research experience, etc. in support of their candidature the experience certificates should clearly how the period of experience duration of the experience 
  5. The address for sending the hard copy of the application and relevant documents is as under
  6. Candidates applying under any of the reserved category posts viz, SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS will  be considered subject to caste/disability/EWS certificates issued by the appropriate/competent authority on the prescribed format community should be clearly and legibly mentioned in the  certificates 
  7. Only such persons would be eligible for reservation under the PwBD quota in service/posts who suffer from not less than 40% of physical disability person who wants to avail of the benefit of reservation would have to submit a disability certificate as issued by a competent authority in prescribed format
  8. The candidates are to satisfy all eligibility criteria before offline application they must possess the educational qualification and experience as recognized by the govt. of India, their candidature will be canceled at any stage if it is found that their educational qualification or experiences are not recognized by the govt. of India

Other information for the candidates:

  1. All India institute of medical sciences is an autonomous body established under the act of parliament
  2. Service under the institute is governed by that act and the rules and regulations framed there under
  3. The institute strives to have a workforce that reflects gender parity and women candidates are encouraged to apply
  4. All the posts  carry usual allowances as admissible to central government employees of similar status at Gorakhpur Uttara Pradesh
  5. The appointment will be subject to review and probation of two years
  6. Applicants who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date for submission of offline applications will not e considered
  7. incomplete applications will be summarily rejected applications received after the last date of submission of offline applications will not be considered the decision of the competent authority of AIIMS Gorakhpur in this regard will  be final
  8. The period of experience wherever prescribed shall be counted after obtaining the prescribed educational qualification the employees of the institute will be governed by the new pension scheme as per the provision contained in the Ministry
  9. The posts are the whole time and private practice of  any kind is prohibited
  10. The candidates are likely to be posted at rural health and urban health centers or other centers attached to the institute for the period to be decided by the institute as applicable
  11. AIIMS reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies
  12. While every effort will be made to provide residential accommodation to factory appointed in view of the paucity of residential accommodation on the campus it may not be possible to provide accommodation in every case 
  13. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification
  14. The candidates should not have been a disqualification
  15. The selected candidate is expected to abide by the rules of conduct and discipline as applicable to the institute’s employees
  16. In case any information given or declared by the candidates is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to this appointment he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and any action taken as deemed fit by appointing authority
  17. The competent authority reserves the right of any amendment cancellation and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or notice
  18. The decision of the competent authority regarding interview verification for documents and selection would be final and binding on all candidates no representation/correspondence will be entertained in this regard
  19. All disputes will  be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of law at Gorakhpur
  20. Appointment of the selected candidate is subject to his /her being declared medically fit by the competent medical board
  21. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of the appointment letter the institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidate

How to apply AIIMS Gorakhpur Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates  can apply through online mode only

The selection process for AIIMS Gorakhpur  jobs

Important dates for AIIMS Gorakhpur Notification

online application starting date: 26 – October -2022

online application ending date: 19 – December -2022

Important links for AIIMS Gorakhpur Vacancy

Application form,


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