AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Recruitment
Doorstep primary health care Model is a research project under joint collaboration of AIIMS Rishikesh and SEWA-THDC in Hlluy artist of Tehri Garhwal manpower has to be recruited for this purpose on a contractual basis with the following post
Had recently released a recruitment notification for following
AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing officer jobs and other vacancies through online mode only
Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only
Get more about AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing officer jobs 2022 details are given below
Name of the post and Number of vacancies
- Nursing Officer (B.Sc Nursing) GNM 1 post
AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Recruitment for Nursing Officer (B.Sc Nursing) GNM
Name of the post | Nursing Officer (B.Sc Nursing) GNM |
Number of vacancies | 1 post |
Monthly salary | Rs. 30,000/- per month |
Educational qualification |
Degree ./Diploma in general, nursing midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council recognized institute /Board or council 2. Should view registered with the Indian Nursing Council/State nursing council Desirable qualification:
- Method of recruitment may be written exam/interview or both
- The selected candidate will have to join within 5 days of declarations of results
- it is NOT permanent employment with AIIMS Rishikesh.
- The post is purely on a contract basis the contact will be for a period of 1 year or completion of the project whichever is earlier.
- NO claim for any other regular post in AIIMS Rishikesh shall beerntertaoned
- Employee performance indicator will be applied after 3 months
- Employees should be ready to work and stay in the hilly areas of Tehri-Garhwal Uttarakhand.
- The candidate should be willing to work in a slum / hilly area with an outreach program in the community
- incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will not be considered
- N0 TA/DA will be paid for the interview
- Candidates must have work experience after acquiring minimum essentuiaklqualfciation
- Qualification, experience, other terms, and conditions may be relaxed /altered at the discretion of director AIIMS Rishikesh.Recruitment Committee.
- No other allowance/ facilities other than consolidated salary shall bead miscible
- The decision of the recruitment committee will be final
- Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage
- If the performance of the appointee is not found satisfactory by the principal investigator/Nodal officer appointment can be terminated at any time without any promotion/comp[ensation.
- The appointee may be relieved from the current job position by serving one-month prior notice if the notice period is less than 1 month, an amount equal to the salary of 1 month will have to be deposited for relieving certificate
- Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage
- The application must fill up all the columns of the application form properly. single/consolidated SCANNED PDF of the signed application along with its enclosures and complete in all respects should be
How to apply to AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Recruitment
Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing officer jobs
Important dates for AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Notification
online application starting date: 1 – April -2022
online application ending date: 10 – April -2022
Important Links for AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Vacancy