BDL Recruitment 2023

BDL Recruitment 2023 Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) a mini Ratna category - I Public sector enterprise for the following position

BDL Recruitment 2023

Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) a mini Ratna category – I Public sector enterprise was incorporated in the years 1970 under the Ministry of Defence (MoD) government of India The manufacture of Anti – Tank guided missiles Today BDL has evolved as a conglomerate manufacturing ATGMs of later generations, strategic weapons, launchers,  underwater weapons decoys and test equipment and other sophisticated vital for the defence of the country and is amongst a few industries in the world having capabilities to produce state of the Art guided weapons systems

Applications are invited from eliglbe Indian nationals for walk-in interviews for the following position of project engineers on a fixed term (contract) Basis for BDL Kanchanbagh Unit Hyderabad Telangana state and their workplace will be at the BDL project office located in the premises of Aeronautical development establishment 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for the following

BDL jobs and other candidates can apply online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply online mode only

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1. Project Engineer (Mechanical) job 7 posts
  2. Project engineer (Electronics/Computer Science/Electrical) job 27 posts

BDL Recruitment 2023 for Project engineer (Electronics/Computer Science/Electrical) job

Name of the postProject Engineer (Mechanical)
Number of vacancies7 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 30,000/- per month
Upper age limit28 years
Educational QualificationFirst class (60%) in BE/B.Tech/B.Sc Engg. (4 years) / integrated M.E./M.Tech course or equivalent from an approved institute/ university

Project engineer (Electronics/Computer Science/Electrical) job

Name of the postProject Engineer (Electroncis//Computer science/Electrical)
Number of vacancies27 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 30,000/- per month
Upper age limit28 years
Educational Qualification First class (60%) in BE/B.Tech/B.Sc Engg. (4 years) / integrated M.E./M.Tech course or equivalent from an approved institute/ university
Desirble qualification:
Experience in developing application software for various weapon systems using several programming tools and testing using programming development

Selection process:

  1. The in-selection process will be carried out as per the schedule on the premises of the Aeronautical Society of India 
  2. Intersted candidates Indian nationals only who possess the required qualifications and relevant experience should reach the venue on above mentioned scheduled dates
  3. Candidates should download the application form                           
  4. Candidates who fulfill all the requisite requirements and qualifications will be shortlisted for interview shortlisting of candidates for interview will be based on the initial screening of applications
  5. The shortlisted candidates will be called for further selection process interviews for all posts mentioned above Interviews will be conducted only for the shortlisted candidates on the same day later day if required Candidates will have to stay for the interview for more than a day at their own expense

Terms and conditions:

  1. Only Indian nationals may apply, age,  qualification, and experience stipulated above should be as on the date of the interview
  2. Candidates appearing for interview will not to entitled to claim for contract engagement for the aforesaid post Candidates will be debarred ab into at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill the eligibility criteria
  3. The posts are on fixed term contract basis only and do not provide any claim for permanent employment 
  4. BDL reserves the right to cancel the advertisement the selection process restrict or increase the number of posts alter the eligibility criteria
  5. Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail ID and mobile number of communication BDL will not be responsible for bouncing e-mails sent to the candidates
  6. Mobiles or any other electronic gadgets will be permitted inside the venue of the interview
  7. Any legal processing  in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and or an application in response thereto can be instituted in appropriate courts
  8. If the information furnished by the candidates in any part is found to be false or incomplete or is not found to be in conformity with the e eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement the candidature/appointment will  be considered 
  9. Any or all corrigendum/amendments related to this recruitment process will only be given on our official website

How to apply for BDL Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for BDL jobs

Important dates for BDL Notification

online application starting date: 1 – September – 2023

online application ending date: 17 – September – 2023

Important links for BDL Vacancies

Application form,


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