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CIMAP Lucknow Govt jobs in Uttar Pradesh

CIMAP Lucknow Govt jobs in Uttar Pradesh CSIR Central Institute of Medical & Aromatic Plants  (CIMAP) Lucknow is a constituent laboratory

CIMAP Lucknow Govt jobs in Uttar Pradesh

CSIR Central Institute of Medical & Aromatic Plants  (CIMAP) Lucknow is a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research ( CSIR) New Delhi. CSIR CIMAP undertakes basic and applied research in important areas of plant science

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

 CSIR jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about CIMAP Lucknow Govt jobs details of name of the post, number of vacancies, monthly salary, upper age limit, place of work, educational qualification, desirable qualification, how to apply, selection process, details given below 

  CIMAP Lucknow Govt jobs in Uttar Pradesh Junior Secretariat Assistant job 

Name of the post Junior Secretariat Assistant 
Number of vacancies  7 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. 19900 – 63200 /- per month 
Upper age limit  28 years 
Educational qualification  10+2 / XIII 
Desirable qualification  Graduate or equivalent with proven working knowledge of computers preferably to work on MS Office/ MS Excel. MS Powerpoint and typing in English & Hindi both 

2. Junior Secretariat Assistant job 

Name of the post  Junior Secretariat Assistant 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 19900 – 63200/- per month 
Upper age limit  28 years 
Educational qualification  10+2XII 
Desirable qualification  Graduate or equivalent with proven working knowledge of computes preferably to work on MS office ./ MS Excel. MS Powerpoint and typing in English & Hindi both 

3. Junior stenographer job 

Name of the post  Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen) 
Number of vacancies  7 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 19900 – 63200/- per month 
Upper age limit  28 years 
Educational qualification  10+2 XII 
Desirable qualification  Graduate or equivalent with proven working knowledge of computers preferably to work on MS Office/MS Excel. MS PowerPoint and typing in English & Hindu both 

4. Security Assistant job 

Name of the post  Security Assistant 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 354100 – 112400 /- per month 
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification Ex-Servicemen JCO in Army or equivalent in other paramilitary forces with fice years experience in the work of security 
Desirable qualification  knowledge of legal guidelines for area security and public safety. tech-savvy with experience in surveillance system 

5. Receptionist job 

Name of the post  Receptionist 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 35400 – 112400/- per month 
Upper age limit 28 years 
Educational qualification  Graduate with two years relevant experience as a receptionist in a Govt/ Autonomous Body/Public Undertaking 
Desirable qualification  Knowledge of Computer applications and telecommunications 

6. Senior Technical Officer ( Lab supervisor & Safety Manager) job 

Name of the post  Senior Technical Officer (Lab Supervisor & Safety Manager) 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 67700 – 208700 /- per month 
Upper age limit  40 years
Educational qualification  B.E / B.Tech ( Biotechnology) 
Desirable qualification  Working Experience  in the area of equipment maintenance record keeping and safety measures in the laboratories and experimental  fields 

7. Senior Technical (Agronomy and extension) job 

Name of the post  Senior Technical (Agronomy and Extension) 
Number of vacancies 3 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 56100 – 177500/- per month 
Upper age limit  35 years 
Educational qualification  M.Sc in Agronomy/ Agriculture economics/ Agricultare extension /SoilScience 
Desirable qualification  Working experience in the area of agronomic research. extension actives and demonstration of agrotechnology

8. Sr. Technical Officer (Civil engineering ) job 

Name of the post  Sr. Technical Officer (Civil engineering ) 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 56100 – 177500/- per month 
Upper age limit  35 years 
Educational qualification  B.E / B.Tech (Civil Engineering ) 
Desirable qualifications  M.Tecvh in Civil Engineering 

9. Medical officer / Sr. Technical officer job 

Name of the post  Medical officer / Sr. Technical Officer 
Number of vacancies  2  posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 35400 – 112400 /- per month 
Upper age limit  35 years 
Educational qualification  MBBS with minimum 55% Markes 
Desirable qualification  MD/MS candidates having experience of treating employees 

10. Technical Assistant (Civil Engineering ) job 

Name of the post  Technical Assistant ( Civil Engineering) 
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 35400 – 112400/- per month 
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification  Diploma in Civil  Engineering 
Desirable  qualification  B.E/ B.Tech in Civil engineering 

11. Junior Secretariate Assistant ( F&A) # job 

Name of the post  Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A) 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rsa. 19900 – 63200/- per month 
Upper age limit  28 years 
Educational qualification  10+2 / XII 
Desairable qualification Graduate or equivalent proved working knowledge of computers preferably to work on MS office / MS excel/ MS PowerPoint and typing in English & Hindi Both 

How to apply CIMP Lucknow Govt Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for CIMP Lucknow Govt jobs 

Selection mode: Typing Test / Competitive written examination / Skill / Physical Test / Screening Committee / Interview

Important dates for CIMP Lucknow Govt Notification

online application starting date: 29- December -2021 

online application ending date: 22- January -2022

Important links for CIMP Lucknow Govt vacancy 

Application form,



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