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Civil Engineer Jobs In RITES 2023

Civil Engineer Jobs In RITES 2023 RITES Ltd. is providing general consultancy services for Bangalore metro Rail project in this connection

Civil Engineer Jobs In RITES 2023

RITES Ltd. is providing general consultancy services for the Bangalore metro Rail project in this connection RITES Ltd. needs to be retired 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

Civil Engineer jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Civil Engineer jobs 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and  Number of vacancies

  1. Quality Control/ Material Engineer job 3 posts
  2. Safety and health expert (SHE) job 6 posts
  3. Planning Engineer job 2 posts

Civil Engineer Jobs In RITES 2023  for Qualify Control/ Material Engineer

Name of the post Quality Control/ Material Engineer 
Number of vacancies  3 posts
Upper age limit 63 years
Educational Qualification

Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized university 


  1. 10 years of total professional experience 
  2. Minimum 3 years as QA/QX engineer for major infrastructure projects


Safety and health expert (SHE) job

Name of the post Safety and health expert (SHE) 
Number of vacancies  6 posts
Upper age limit 63 years
Educational Qualification

Graduate in engineering /MA or MSc in safety from a recognized university


  1. 10 years of total professional experience 
  2. Minimum 3 years as SHE engineer for major infrastructure projects

Planning Engineer job

Name of the post Planning Engineer 
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Upper age limit 63 years
Educational Qualification

Graduate in Civil Engineering from a recognized university


  1. 10 years of total professional experience 
  2. Minimum 3 years as a Planning Engineer for major infrastructure projects

How to apply for Civil Engineering Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Civil Engineering jobs

Important dates for Civil Engineering Notification

online application starting date: 12 – January -2023

Important links for Civil Engineering Vacancy

Application form,


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