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ECIL Govt jobs in Hyderabad

ECIL Govt jobs in Hyderabad Electronics Corporation of India Limited a public sector enterprise  under the department of atomic energy

ECIL Govt jobs in Hyderabad

Electronics Corporation of India Limited a public sector enterprise  under the department of atomic energy is looking for dynamic and result-oriented personnel for the following positions purely on fixed tenure contract basis, for s period of four years ( subject to project requirement and satisfactory performance of the candidates) to work at sites/Custome premises (Mysuru, Karnataka) for the project requirements of customer support division 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

ECIL jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about ECIL jobs 2022 details given below 

ECIL Govt jobs in Hyderabad  for Scientific Assistant -A on contract  

Name of the post  Scientific Assistant -A on contract  
Number of vacancies  4 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 21,270/- per month 
Upper age limit  35 years
Educational qualification  B.Sc Degree with chemistry from ant recognized institute/university & should have passed HSC/12th / intermediate with MPC /PCM background only 

Junior Artisan on contract job

Name of the post  Junior Artisan on contract
Number of vacancies  15 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 19,324/- per month
Upper age limit  35 years
Educational qualification  Electrical trade should pass ITI 

How to apply ECIL Recruitment 

Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for ECIL jobs

Selection mode: written test /Shortlisted 

Important Dates for ECIL Notification

Written test: 12 – March -2022

Shortlisted: 13 – March -2022

Important links for ECIL Vacancy 

Application form,


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