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Govt jobs in Cuttack

Govt jobs in Cuttack Applications are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the group - B and C (Technical )

Govt jobs in Cuttack

Applications are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the group – B and C (Technical ) posts to work in the AHPGIC, Cuttack establishment on a contractual basis at a consolidated monthly revised remuneration notified vide G.A and PG Department Notification No. 28621/ Gen. it. 27.10.2022 the application in the prescribed format must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 22-April -2022 (5:00 PM) by speed pst regd. post. the details of the post and their remuneration eligibility criteria service conditions and application format are available on the AHPGIC websites that can be downloaded from

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

Govt jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Govt jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the post and Number of vacancies 

  1. RT Technician  posts 9 
  2. Lab Technician Transfusion Medicine  posts 2 
  3. Lab Technician (Central Laboratory) posts 2 
  4. Dietician /Nutritionist post 1 
  5. Radiographer  p[ost 2 
  6. ECG Technician – ICU posts 2  
  7. Gas Technician – ICU post 1 
  8. Sterilization Supervisor – ICU post 1 
  9.  Laboratory Technician posts 2 
  10.  Pharmacist posts 8 

Govt Jobs in Cuttack for RT Technician 

Name of the post  RT Technician 
Number of vacancies  9 posts 

Monthly salary 

Rs. Pre-revised 9300/- (GP -4200/-) Revised Scale Rs.25,300/- per month

Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination and 10 +2 Science examination or its equivalent

2. Should have 2 years of radiation therapy technologist course or equivalent base on minimum course content prescribed by the competent authority (AERB) from a recognized institution


Candidate passed DMERY from any of the recognized institutions of the Govt of Odisha /AICTE and successfully completed the Radiation safety certification program recognized by AERB 

3. Should have working experience on LINEAR accelerator for at least one year

 4. Candidates must have a registration number and a radiation professional (RP) under Elora under AERB

5. Desirble qualification DCA 


Lab Technician Transfusion Medicine) job

Name of the post  Lab Technician Transfusion Medicine)
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Monthly salary   Rs. Pre-revised 9300/- (GP -4200/-) Revised Scale Rs.25,300/- per month 
Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination and 10 +2 Science examination or its equivalent

2. Must have passed in  DMLT exam from any medical college or form recognized private institute approved by AICTE.Govt of Odisha

Essential  qualification:

Must have experience of two years working on Deptt. pf transfusion medicine in any of the medical colleges approved by NMC working in Deptt. of Transfusion medicine bank or any medical college approved by NMCV/ any blood bank./center minimum 2 years experience 

2. Desirable qualification DCA 

Lab Technician (Central LAboratory) job

Name of the post  Lab Technician (Central Laboratory)
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. Pre-revised 9300/- (GP -4200/-) Revised Scale Rs.25,300/- per month 
Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination and 10 +2 Science examination or its equivalent

2. Must have passed in  DMLT exam from any medical college or form recognized private institute approved by AICTE.Govt of Odisha

3. Desirable qualification DCA

Essential qualification:

  1. Must have experience of two years working on Deptt. of central Laboratory in any of the medical colleges approved by NMC working in Deptt. of the medical laboratory in any medical college hospital approved by NMC/Govt Hospital/ NABL Accredited lab minimum 2 years experience
  2. Desirable qualification DCA 

Dietician /Nutritionist job

Name of the post  Dietician /Nutritionist
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. Pre-revised 9300/- (GP -4200/-) Revised Scale Rs.25,300/- per month 
Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination and 10 +2 Science examination or its equivalent

2. B.Sc (Home Science foods and Nutrition)/B.Sc (Food Science and Nutrition) / B.Sc. (Food and Nutrition Dietetics)/ B.Sc. (Food Service Management and dietetics) form a recognized 

3. Desirable qualification DCA 

Radiographer job

Name of the post  Radiographer 
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary 

Rs. Pre Revised 5200/- GP – 2400/-) 

Revied Scale Rs. 14,200/- per month

Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination and 10 +2 Science examination or its equivalent

2. Must have passed in  DMLT exam from any medical college or form recognized private institute approved by AICTE.Govt of Odisha

3. Desirable qualification DCA

ECG Technician – ICU job

Name of the post  ECG Technician – ICU 
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. Pre Revised 52000/- GP -2400/-) Revised Scale Rs. 14,200/- per month 
Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination and 10 +2 Science examination or its equivalent with 2 years experience in any govt recognized Positano in ECG

2. Desirable qualification DCA

Gas Technician – ICU job

Name of the post  Gas Technician – ICU
Number of vacancies   1 post 
Monthly salary 

Rs. Pre Revised 5200/- GP – 2400/-) 

Revied Scale Rs. 14,200/- per month

Educational qualification
  1. Must have passed 10+2 Science from a recognized board or equivalent qualification minimum one year experience in ICU
  2. Desirable qualification DCA

Sterilization Supervisor – ICU job

Name of the post  Sterilization Supervisor – ICU
Number of vacancies   1 post 
Monthly salary 

Rs. Pre Revised 5200/- GP – 2400/-) 

Revied Scale Rs. 14,200/- per month

Educational qualification
  1.  Must have passed 10+2 Science from recognized board or equivalent qualification
  2. Must have passed in  DMLT exam from any medical college or form recognized private institute approved by AICTE.Govt of Odisha
  3. Desirable qualification DCA

Laboratory Technician job

Name of the post  Laboratory Technician
Number of vacancies   2 posts
Monthly salary 

Rs. Pre Revised 5200/- GP – 2400/-) 

Revied Scale Rs. 14,200/- per month

Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination aND +2 science examinations or its equivalent

2. Must have passed in  DMLT exam from any medical college or form recognized private institute approved by AICTE.Govt of Odisha 

3. Desirable qualification DCA 

Pharmacist job

Name of the post  Pharmacist
Number of vacancies  4 posts
Monthly salary 

Rs. Pre Revised 5200/- GP – 2400/-) 

Revied Scale Rs. 14,200/- per month

Educational qualification

1. Must have passed HSC or equivalent examination aND +2 science examinations or its equivalent

2. Must have passed in Diploma in Pharmacy and have registered in Odisha Pharmacy Council

2. Desirable qualification DCA 


General Condition:

The c candidates who are intended to apply for the above-noted posts (categorically) under Acharya Harihar postgraduate institute of cancer attack that have to apply to the director, Acharya Harihar postgraduate institute of cancer, Cuttack – 753007 by registered post/ speed post only application received through ordinary post/ by a person will stand canceled 

How to apply govt Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Govt jobs

Selection mode: Written-test

Important dates for Govt Notification

online application ending date: 22 – April -2022 (5:00 PM) 

Important links for Govt Vacancy 

Application form,


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