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Govt jobs in Mumbai 2022

Govt jobs in Mumbai 2022 Indian Institute of Geomagnetism ( An autonomous scientific / research organization under

Govt jobs in Mumbai 2022

Indian Institute of Geomagnetism ( An autonomous scientific / research organization under the department of science and technology Government of India)

 Indian Institute of Geomagnetism is looking for suitable candidates for the following project assistant purely on a temporary basis, as per the following details 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

Govt jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Govt jobs 2022 details given below 

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1.  Project Assistant-II job 2 posts
  2. Project Assistant-II job 1 post 
  3. Project Assistant-II job 2 post 
  4. Project Assistant-II job 1 post 
  5. Project Assistant-II job 2 posts
  6. Project Assistant-II job 2 posts
  7. Project Assistant-II job 1 post
  8. Project Assistant-I job 1 post 

Govt jobs in Mumbai 2022 for Project Assistant-II

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification 

A postgraduate in Geophysics

Desirable qualification:

Experience in conducting gravity and  magnetic surveys and processing GPS data 

Date of interview  23rd June 2022 from 9.30  am onward at IIG Plot No. 5 sector 18 Kalamboli Highway new Panvel

2. Project Assisant – II job 

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification 

A postgraduate in Geophysics


Date of interview  23rd June 2022 from 9.30  am onward at IIG Plot No. 5 sector 18 Kalamboli Highway new Panvel

3. Project Assistant-II job 

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification 

A postgraduate in Geophysics

Desirable qualification:

Experience in carrying out hydrogeological studies knowledge f hydrogeologic modeling  

Date of interview  23rd June 2022 from 9.30  am onward at IIG Plot No. 5 sector 18 Kalamboli Highway new Panvel

4. Project Assistant-II job

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification 

A postgraduate in Geophysics

Desirable qualification:

Ability to handle the scientific instruments 

Date of interview  13th June 2022 from 9.30  am 

5. Proejct Assistnat- II job

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification 

B.E  in Electrical and Electronics  Engg/  B.E in electronic and Communication Engg 

Desirable qualification:

1 years experience in electronics assembling and testing field/ microcontroller programming 

Date of interview  15 – June -2022 

6. Project Assistant-II job 

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  2 posts
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification 

M.Sc Geology

Desirable qualification:

GIS-related knowledge and a strong background in water chemistry 

Date of interview  23rd June 2022 

7. Project Assistant-II job

Name of the post  Project Assistant-II
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational qualification  M.Sc Physics
Date of interview  13 June 2022

8. Project Assistant I job

Name of the post  Project Assistant I
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit  25 years
Educational qualification  B.Sc in Maths/Physics/Geology 
Date of interview  24 June 2022 

How to apply for Govt Recruitment in Mumbai 

Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Govt jobs In Mumbai 

Important dates for Govt Notification In Mumbai

online application ending date: 23 – June -2022

Important links for Govt Vacancy In Mumbai

Application form,


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