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 Govt Jobs In Vishakapatnam 2022

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 Govt Jobs In Vishakapatnam 2022

Indian Institute Of Management, Vashalaptana IIM Vishakaopatnam (the institute, IIMV) invites applications for faculty positions from candidates belonging to NC-OBC/ SC/ST/ EWS/PwD categories only, with outstanding academic records and proven credentials in the teaching and research in management in schools of repute in India/ abroad. current and future vacancies are at the levels of professor, Associate Professor, And Assistant Professor, regular capacity.

Management Discipline /areas

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

Govt jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through the online mode only

Get more about Govt jobs in Vishakapatnam in 2022 details are given below

Govt notifications In Vishakapatnam 2022 Name of the posts and number of vacancies

1 Professor job -1 post

2 Associate Professor job -1 post

3 Assistant Professor job -1 post

1 Professor job

Name of the post


number of vacancies

1 post

Monthly salary

Pay level 14 of the seventh Central Pay Commission (7th CPC)

starting basic pay Rs. 1,44,200/- + Allowances per month.

Educational qualifications

  • Ph.D. Degree or equivalent, with at least 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA in the preceding degree in the appropriate discipline, with a very good academic record throughout.
  • successful track record of teaching; training; research; and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.
  • Note:
  • In the case of CGPA, the percentage of conversations issued by the respective degree or diploma-awarding universities, or institutions would be the basis to determine first-class.


  • Minimum Post-qualifications experience of ten years in teaching/ industry/ research, of which, at least four years of experience at the level of Associate Professor institutions of high repute such as IIMs. IITs, IISc Banglore, NITIE Mumbai, IISER, or at an equivalent level in such other globally recognized Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards may be decided by IIMV.

2 Associate Professor job

Name of the post

 Associate Professor

number of vacancies

1 post

Monthly salary

Pay level 13A2 of 7th CPC

Starting Basic pay Rs 139600/-+ Allowances

Educational qualifications

  • Ph.D. Degree or equivalent, with at least 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA in the preceding degree in the appropriate discipline, with a very good academic record throughout.
  • successful track record of teaching; training; research; and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.
  • Note:
  • In the case of CGPA, the percentage of conversations issued by the respective degree or diploma-awarding universities, or institutions would be the basis to determine first-class.


  • Minimum Post-qualifications experience of ten years in teaching/ industry/ research, of which, at least four years of experience at the level of Associate Professor institutions of high repute such as IIMs. IITs, IISc Banglore, NITIE Mumbai, IISER, or at an equivalent level in such other globally recognized Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards may be decided by IIMV.

3 Assistant Professor job

Name of the post

 Assistant Professor

number of vacancies

1 post

Monthly salary

Pay level 1o or 11 of 7th CPC

Starting Basic pay Rs 70900/- +Allowances (For pay level 10)

Starting Basic pay Rs 71000/- +Allowances (For pay level 11)

Educational qualifications

Ph.D. Degree or equivalent, with at least 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA in the preceding degree in the appropriate discipline, with a very good academic record throughout.
successful track record of teaching; training; research; and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.
In the case of CGPA, the percentage of conversations issued by the respective degree or diploma-awarding universities, or institutions would be the basis to determine first-class.


  • Minimum Post-qualifications experience of ten years in teaching/ industry/ research, of which, at least four years of experience at the level of Associate Professor institutions of high repute such as IIMs. IITs, IISc Banglore, NITIE Mumbai, IISER, or at an equivalent level in such other globally recognized Indian or foreign institutions of comparable standards may be decided by IIMV.

Desirable qualifications

  • Up to three years of post-q2ualification experience in teaching, industry, and /or research in institutions of high repute such as IIMS, IISC Banglore, NITIE Mumbai, IISERs, or at an equivalent level in such other globally recognized Indian or foraging institutions of comparable standards and may be decided by IIMV.

How to apply Govt recruitment In Vishakapatnam 2022

General instructions:

  1. candidates are advised to visit the website of IIM Vishakapatnam regularly for updates. Amendments, corrigenda (if any), will be placed on the Institute website only.
  2. The institute reserves the right not to fill up any, some, or all positions.
  3. Qualifications acquired must be duly recognized in law.
  4. Applicants should satisfy the experience criteria as of the date of their applications. duration of Ph.D. (and experience acquired therein) will not be counted for the purpose of experience. Only officer and higher-level experience would be counted, in the case of candidates from other than academic institutions.
  5. Mere fulfillment of locations and experience does not entitle candidates to be short-listed. the institute researches the right to restrict the candidates to be called for the selection process to a reasonable number based on relevant criteria, higher than the mni8umu period.
  6. applications should be complete in all respects. Additional sheets as needed may be used and referenced suitably. All Information furnished MUST be based on supporting documentation. Incomplete, incorrect, or sketch applications are liable to be rejected.
  7. Applications received against this specific advertisement only will be considered under the special recruitment drive.
  8. Candidates employed in organizations or institutions (including autonomous bodies) under the government (Central or state);, or public sector undertakings (Central or state). must produce a proper relieving letter at the time of reporting for duty.
  9. The institute will communicate only with short-listed candidates. No correspondence from applicants shall be entertained.
  10. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  11. In all matters of selection recruitment appointment and service, the interpretation and decision of the competent authority of the institute shall be final and binding 
  12. Disputes (if any ) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of the city of Visakhapatnam and/or Andhra Pradesh India

How to apply:

  1. interested candidates are invited to apply using the prescribed format only as viable on the website. Applications not confirmation of the format are liable to be rejected.
  2. Certified issued by the competent authority clearly showing the category (OBC/ SC./ST/ EWS/ PwD) to which the applicant belongs must be attached with the application. in the case of OBC, The certificate should mention clearly that the candidate does not belong t the creamy layer. The certificate should be current and valid as of the closing date for receipt of applications. without such proof, the application will not be considered as part of the special recruitment Drive. Except for the category certified no copy of any other certificate/ supporting documentation needed to be attached/ submitted along with the application. such proof would be sought later, ONLY from short-lited applicants.
  3. Scanned, copies of the completely filled-in and signed (self-attested) application form (in Word and PDF format). along with the category certificate (only) should be sent through e-mail.
  4. Important: Had a copy of the application as submitted by e-mail, with all pages along with additional sheets/ annexes (formating part of the application) and the category certificate duly signed (self-attested), should be sent by Speed Post/ courier to the address given below, ensuring its reaches the institute by 21-April-2022, 17:00 Hrs. It is reiterated that no other certificates/ supporting documentation needs to be attached with the application at this stage, except the category certificate.
  5. IV is not responsible;e for postal delays if any, applications received after the last date and will not be considered in this round of special recruitment drives.
  6. The envelope cover containing the hard copy of the application form should be labeled as “Employment notification

Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Govt vacancy In Vishakapatnam 2022

Selection mode:

  1. A Set of committees constituted by the institute will carry out the screening and selection process.
  2. The process would normally involve me i.) Shortlisting of candidates based on suitability as ascertained from the applications; ii) Seminar-Presetbnation by the short-listed candidates, and iii) Interview for the further shortlisted candidates (i.e., for only those who qualify in the seminar round). It is reiterated that o9ly those candidates who qualify in the seminar will be taken forward to the interview round.
  3. Candidates may be considered for a post lower than that applied for if they are otherwise found suitable.
  4. If the pandemic situation improve and interview are held with a physical presence, reimbursement of return economy airable by the shortest route (domestic sector only) and accommodation (free of cost) will be provided to the candidates who attend the faculty seminar. Else, interviews would be held online (In virtual mode).

Important dates for Govt notifications In Vishakapatnam 2022

online application starting date:23-March-2022

online application ending date: 14-April-2022

Important links of Govt vacancy In Vishakapatnam 2022

Application form,


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