Govt Recruitment 2023

Govt. Recruitment 2023 Applications are invited from qualified and eligible candidates for filling up the posts of medical

Govt Recruitment 2023

Applications are invited from qualified and eligible candidates for filling up the posts of medical officers/specialist doctors and others on a contract/out-sourcing basis for various components under the medical and health department Srikakulam District

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

Govt. jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Govt. jobs 2023 details given  below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Pediatrician job 1 post
  2. Gynecologists job 2 posts
  3. Medical Officers job 22 posts
  4. Dental Hygienist job 9 posts
  5. Dental Technician job 1 post
  6. Clinical Psychologist job 1 post

Govt Recruitment 2023 for Clinical Psychologist 

Name of the postPediatrician 
Number of vacancies1 post
Educational QualificationMasters degree in pediatrician by the medical council of India the candidates must be registered in the AP medical council as per the APMC Act.

Gynecologists job

Name of the postGynecologists 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Educational QualificationMaster’s degree in Gynic by the medical council of India the  candidates must be registered in the AP medical council as per the APMC Act

Medical Officers job

Name of the postMedical Officers 
Number of vacancies22 posts
Educational QualificationMBBS degree recognized by the medical council of India the candidates must be registered in the AP medical council as per the APMC Act.

Dental Hygienist job

Name of the postDental Hygienist 
Number of vacancies9 posts
Educational QualificationIntermediate science group from recognized board diploma in dental technician  dental  hygienist from Govt./ Govt. recognized institute registration with state dental council

Dental Technician job

Name of the postDental Technician 
Number of vacancies1 post
Educational QualificationIntermediate science group from recognized board diploma in dental technician  dental  hygienist from Govt./ Govt. recognized institute registration with state dental council

Clinical Psychologist job

Name of the postClinical Psychologist 
Number of vacancies1 post
Educational QualificationPG Degree in Psychology or applied Psychology in medical and Social Psychology or Master of Philosophy in mental health and social psychology obtained after completion of a full-time course for two years which includes supervised clinical training approved and recognized by the rehabilitation council of India

Selection Process:

The recruitment will  be processed as per this notification and as per the rules and instructions issued by the government and also decided  by the district selection committee Srikakulam from time to time in terms of respective special rules/Adhoc rules governing the recruitment 

Important conditions:

  1. If the attested copy of the castes certificate / Physically Handicapped Certificate/Ex-servicemen certificates are not enclosed the candidates will be treated under
  2. If the certificates of residence of the study certificate are not enclosed the candidates will be treated as nonlocal
  3. The attested copy of the above is not enclosed the application will be summarily rejected
  4. The application shall be submitted in the format enclosed to these guidelines only

Condition on Appointment:

The candidates selected and appointed on a contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she is appointed is included and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment to any preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service the department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract would automatically  cease to operate on the lapse of the contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any format communication

How to apply Govt. Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates  can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Govt. jobs

Important dates for Govt. Notification

online application starting date: 31 – March – 2023

online application ending date: 6 – April  – 2023

Important links for Govt. Vacancy

Application form,


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