Green Tribunal Jobs 2022

Green Tribunal Jobs 2022 Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in the prescribed proforma for direct recruitment

Green Tribunal Jobs 2022

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in the prescribed proforma for direct recruitment to the following posts in the national green Tribunal, principal bench in New Delhi, and Zonal Benches at Bhopal, Chennai Pune, and Kolkata 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

Green Tribunal Jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Green Tribunal Jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies 

  1. Assistant (judicial) job 6 posts
  2. Stenographer  Grade I job  4 posts
  3. Hindi Translator job 1 post
  4. Librarian job 2 posts 
  5. Stenographer Grade-II job 9 posts
  6. Staff car driver (Ordinary Grade) job 5 posts 

Green Tribunal Jobs 2022  for Assistant (judicial)

Name of the postAssistant (judicial) 
Number of vacancies 6 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. Level 7 0f 7 CPC per month 
Upper age limit Between 21 and 30 years 
Educational qualification 

1. Bachelor’s degree in law from a recognized university and 

2. Computer training course of six months duration from a recognized institute

Desirable qualification: preference shall be given to candidates possessing a degree in environmental studies or environmental science as one of the subjects


Having two years of working experience n the field or environment in a government office or public sector undertaking or autonomous body or statutory body 

Stenographer  Grade I job 

Name of the postStenographer  Grade I
Number of vacancies 4 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. Level 6 of 7 CPC per month 
Upper age limit Between 21 and 30 years 
Educational qualification 

1. Bacholotd degree from a recognized university 

Skills test:

2. Dictation 10 Mts @100 w.p,m.

Transcription: 50 Mts. (English); 65 Mts. (Hindi) on computer 

3. Computer training course of six months duration from a recognized institute 

Desaurbke qualification:

Bachelor’s degree in Law from a recognized university 

Hindi Translator job 

Name of the postHindi Translator
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salary Rs. Level 6 of 7 CPC
Upper age limit 

Between 23 and 33 years 

Educational qualification 

1. Masters’s degree in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level from a recognized university 

2. Recognized diploma or certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years’ experience or translation work from Hindi to Egnlish and vice versa in Central Government or state government including the government of India undertakings 

Librarian job 

Name of the postLibrarian
Number of vacancies 2 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. Level 6 of 7 CPC per month 
Upper age limit Between 21 and 30 years 
Educational qualification 

1. Bachelor’s degree in library science or library and information science from a recognized university or institute

2. Two years experience in a library under central or state Government or autonomous or statutory organization or public sector undertaking or university or recognized research or educational institute 

Stenographer Grade-II job 

Name of the postStenographer Grade-II
Number of vacancies 9 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. Level 4 of CPC per month 
Upper age limit Between 21 and 27 years 
Educational qualification 

1. 12th class pass from a recognized board 

Skills test:

Dictation 10 Mts @80 w.p,m.

Transcription: 50 Mts. (English); 65 Mts. (Hindi) on computer 

Staff car driver (Ordinary Grade) job

Name of the postStaff car driver (Ordinary Grade) 
Number of vacancies 5 posts
Monthly salary Rs. Level 2 of CPC per month 
Upper age limit Between 18 and 27 years 
Educational qualification 

1. Matriculation from a recognized board

2. possession of a valid driving license for motor cars

3. experience of driving a mot car for three years or more and 

4. knowledge of motor mechanism, ( the candidates should be able to remove minor defects in the vehicle)

Desirable qualification:

Knowledge of motor mechanism ( the candidate should be able to rectify the minor defects in vehicles ) 

General Instructions:

  1. The number of vacancies may vary 
  2. The competent authority reserves the right to either increase or decrease the no. of posts at ant stage and either to make recruitment or may not proceed with recruitment even though the candidates have applied for the post 
  3. Selected candidates will get pay at levels mentioned against each post as per the 7th CPC pay matrix and other benefits as per the application of government of India rules the selected candidates will be initially appointed on probation for 2 years as per NGT rules the said period shall include successful completion of mandatory induction training of two weeks duration
  4. For reservation model and reservation roster (MRR) will be followed 
  5. Upper age limits are relaxable for govt servants in accordance with instructions or orders issued by the central government from time to time a candidate seeking reservation /relaxation benefits must ensure that he/she possesses a genuine case/community certificate in central govt format on the date of eligibility it may be noted that candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned documents are verified /re-verified by the appointing authority
  6. While applying for the post the applicants should bear in mind that the selected candidates might be required to work even at odd hours and on holidays
  7. candidates may be required to copy applicable fees to the testing agency at the time of conducting the skill test if required
  8. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications
  9. The applications of candidates in service should be forwarded through the proper channel /conceded department ass the case may be and the same shall be sent in the form of hard copies along with copies of relevant certificates /degrees. the candidates in service may send the advance application on the condition that the requisite “NOC” will be submitted at the time of skill test/ interaction /final selection
  10. The prescribed educational qualification (s) are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for screening test/ skill test/ interaction the applications may be shortened according to the criteria as may be prescribed by the competent authority for the purpose including weightage to be given for higher qualification, experience, knowledge of motor mechanics, etc.
  11. The description if NGT in all matters related to eligibility acceptance or rejection of the applications mode of selection conduct of examination and allotment of examination center will be final and binding on the candidates and no request /representation will be entertained in this regard
  12. Incompleted/unsigned application/application without photograph/ application not in prescribed proforma and those received in NGT after closing date will be rejected without assigning any reason
  13. The candidates must fill in their name, date of birth, and father’s name as given in the matriculation certificate; otherwise, their candidature may be canceled
  14. The applicant who hand previously applied for the notified o3 posts of stenographers grade -II against advertisements no. NGT (PB)59/admin/2014/Vol-III/400 sated 26 -August -2020 need not apply fresh their candidature shall be considered against the said post along with other prospective applicants applying against this advertisement 

How to apply for Green Tribunal Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Green Tribunal

Important dates for Green Tribunal Notification

offline application starting date: 7 – July -2022

offline application ending date: 25 – July -2022

Important links for Green Tribunal Vacancy

Application form,


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