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Hindustan Petroleum Govt jobs 2022

Hindustan Petroleum Govt jobs 2022Hindustan Petroleum corporation limited, Mumbai refinery Engagement of Graduate Apprentice Trainees

Hindustan Petroleum Govt jobs 2022

Hindustan Petroleum corporation limited, Mumbai refinery Engagement of Graduate Apprentice Trainees (Engineering) As per the appearance Act,1961 

Hindustan petroleum corporation limited (HPC:) is a Maharantna central public sector enterprise (CPSE) under the ministry of petroleum ad natural gs (MOP&NG), the government of India is engaged in refining, storage, distribution, and marketing of petroleum products and is a major player in the hydrocarbon industry in India.

 HPCL owns and operates refineries at Mumbai & Visakha with designed ca[acities of 9.5 Million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) & 8.3 MMTPA respectively

HPCL -Mumbai refinery proposes to engage about 100 graduate apprentices trainees in the field of engineering viz… instrumentation.Chemical/Electrical & Electronics /Computers  Sciences/Civil /Mechanical/Electrical for a period of one year as per provisions of apprentices Act, 1961 and the Rules Thereof. 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

Hindustan Petroleum jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Hindustan Petroleum jobs 2022 details given below 

Hindustan Petroleum Govt jobs 2022   for  Graduate Engineering Apprenticeship 

Name of the post  Graduate Engineering Apprenticeship 
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary  Rs. 25,000/- per month
upper age limit  18 – 25 years
Educational qualification  Instrumatation engnieering .Chemical Engineering/Electrical& Electronics Engineering/Computer science Engineering /Civil Engineering /Mechanical Engineering /Electrical Engineering 

How to apply Hindustan Petroleum Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Hindustan Petroleum jobs

Selection mode:

a. Cabndduates fulfilling above mentioned eligible criteria will be called for interview at Mumbai refinery office address, management reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview which will be tentatively scheduled  in the month of March 2022

B. Metri’s list will be drawn basis the academic results of engineering degree and scores in the interview 

c. final offer for apprenticeship training would be subject to clearing the medical test as per HPCL standards and submission of all the documents/Ceeridficatea towards proof of age, qualification, caste, medical certificates of PwBD and medical fitness, etc., as may be applicable. 

Important dates for Hindustan Petroleum Notification

online application starting date: 19 – February -2022 

online application ending date: 28 – February -2022

Important links for Hindustan Petroleum Vacancy 

Application form,


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