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Hospital Administration jobs in Andhra Pradesh

Hospital Administration jobs in Andhra Pradesh Government of Andhra Pradesh Health Medical & Family Welfare

Hospital Administration Jobs in Andhra Pradesh

Government of Andhra Pradesh Health Medical & Family Welfare Department Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad 

online application are invited from eligible candidates to the post of hospital administrator  in APVVP Hospital on a contract basis detailed are available

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

Hospital Administrator jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Hospital Administrator jobs 2022 details given below 

Hospital Administration jobs in Andrapradesh for  Hospital Administrator

Name of the post  Hospital Administrator
Number of vacancies  49 (Forty-Nine) posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated remuneration of Rs. 80,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  The upper age limit is 42 years shall not have completed 42 years as of 1.7.2022. relaxations will be as follows 
Educational qualification 
  • Masters Degree in Hospital Administration or Hostapl Management ort MBS Hospital management or MBA Finance or MBA – Human resource or MBA from a recognized university
  • Fit preference will be given to pst graduate degree MD/MS (Allopathy) and net preference will be given to PG Diploma /DNB Candidates (Allopathy) 
  • Published work in the area of health care administration, quality, safety, and processes will be preferred  


  • At least 2 years of post-qualification experience in Hospital administration /Hospital care quality/formal quality management in the health sector in the institutions recognized by Govt. of A.P. (both private and Govt . Hospitals)
  • At least 1 year of work experience in administration or leadership or managerial roles in institutions recognized by Govt, of A.P. (both private and Govt, Hospitals) 
  • Fluency in Telugu and English 
  • Computer literacy and proficiency:: with a high level of familiarity with commonly used packages like Ms word, Excel, Powerpoint & web surfing to search relevant data & Documents
  • Knowledge of Govt, Legislations and Hospital administration
  • Good communication and presentation skills both in speech and writing, analytical and interpersonal abilities, demonstrated ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team environment, which will be evaluated in an interview 

Method of appointment: on Contract basis initially for two years (Not to leave the job for two years & a written commitment will be obtained from the candidates) may be extended further on need basis and on satisfactory performance of the individual as per Government instructions from time to time

Method of Selection :


  1. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility in all respects, any candidates furnishing in-correct information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment and future recruitment
  2. The department is vested with the duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt by any on causing or likely to cause a breach of this duty in such manner or by such action ads to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the department will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable means ground for the department 

Departments decision to be final:

How to apply Hospital Administration  Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Hospital Administration jobs

Selection mode: Interview 

Important dates for Hospital Administration Notification

online application starting date: 8 – March -2022

online application ending date: 15 – March -2022

Important links for Hospital Administration Vacancy 

Application form,


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