IIT Jodhpur Recruitment 2022
Applications are invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following temporary position in the sponsored research project at this institute the position is prelude temporary initial for a period of 6 months and extendable but co-terminus with the duration of the project on a contractual basis with consolidated pay the requisite qualification experience and others details are given below
Has recently released the recruitment notification for following
IIT Jodhpur jobs and other vacancies through online mode only
Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only
Get more about IIT Jodhpur jobs 2022 details given below
IIT Jodhpur Recruitment 2022 for Senior Project Assistant
Name of the post | Senior Project Assistant |
Number of vacancies | 4 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 35,000/- – 50,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | Below 45 years |
Educational qualification |
B.Tech in computer science or equivalent Desirable qualification: Hands-on experience in software development and IoT systems |
Duration for initial appointment | 6 months |
Job Description | Any one of the following android app development /web development using full-stack development/Arduino to Raspberry Pi Development |
Bried description of the project |
Industrial manufacturers are always under pressure to stay competitive vt improving efficiency reducing maintenance costs optimizing processes and using analytics to make better business decisions the aim of this work is to design and develop an affordable solution that can help small and medium industry yo maintain and predict the health of the industrial infrastructure proactively using predictive maintenance the overall key objectives are
General Instructions to applicants:
- The posts are purely temporary and contractual for a period of 6 months and extension based on satisfactory [erfomacne but co-terminus with the duration of the project
- An application that is incomplete not in the prescribed format without a photograph or unsigned will be summarily rejected
- Certificate in support of experience should be in proper format i.e. if it should be on the organization’s letterhead bar date of the issue-specific period of work name and designation of the issuing authority along with his signature
- The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service in case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents /background and has suppressed the said information then his/her service shall ve terminated
- Higher initial pay may be given to exceptionally qualified/deserving candidates
- The TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview
- No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding interview and reasons for not being called for an interview
- canvassing in any form will be a disqualification
- No interim correspondence will b entertained
- No need to send a hard copy
How to apply to IIT Jodhpur Recruitment
application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for IIT Jodhpur jos
An important date for IIT Jodhpur Notification
online application starting date: 29 – March -2022
online application ending date: 12 – April -2022
Important links for IIT Jodhpur Vacancy