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ISRO Hyderabad Recruitment 2023

ISRO Hyderabad Recruitment 2023 The National Remote sensing Center (NRSC) is one of the constituent centers of the Indian

ISRO Hyderabad Recruitment 2023

The National Remote sensing Center (NRSC) is one of the constituent centers of the Indian space research organization (ISRO) department of space (DOS) responsible for the ground segment of remote sensing program through satellite data acquisition Archival processing Dissemi nation remote sensing applications training and capacity building it has five regional centers located at Bengaluru paper Kolkata Jodhpur and New Delhi to address region area specific remote sensing application  needs the Earth station located at shad nagar is being developed as a full-fledged center to carry out the entire chain of remote sensing activities

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following

ISRO Hyderabad jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about ISRO Hyderabad 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Junior Research Fellow  job 3 posts
  2. Junior Research Fellow job 3 posts
  3. Junior Research Fellow job 2 posts
  4. Junior Research Fellow job 2 posts
  5. Junior Research Fellow job 1 post
  6. Junior Research Fellow job 1 post
  7. Junior Research Fellow job 3 posts
  8. Junior Research Fellow job 2 posts
  9. Junior Research Fellow job 1 post

ISRO Hyderabad Recruitment 2023 for Junior Research Fellow

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 3 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years 
Educational Qualification  ME/ M.Tech in Remote sensing/ GIS/ Remote sensing and GIS. GEoinformatics/Geomatics/ Geospatial technology /Spatial information technology from a recognized university with 
B.E/ B.Tech in civil engineering / Agriculture engineering

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 3 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years 
Educational Qualification M.E/M.Tech in civil engineering with specialization in water resources /Hydrology/ Hydraulics /irrigation water management from a recognized university
B.E/B.Tech in civil engineering /Agriculture engineering

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification M.Sc in Botany /Forestry/Ecology/Geouinformatuics
/Environmental sciences/Physics with
B.Sc in any subject of life sciences /Physics

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification ME/M.Tech in Remote sensing and GIS/ Geoinformatics / Geomatics/Geospatial Technology/ Spatial information technology /Environmental sciences with
BE/B.Tech in civil engineering /Geoinformatics

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000 / – per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification M.Tech in Remote sensing and GIS /Geoinformatics with M.Sc in Agriculture /B.Sc in Agriculture 4 years degree course
M.Tech in Remiote sensinf and GIS ./ Geoinformatics
M.Sc in Physics
M.Sc in Remote sensing and GIs / Geoinformatics with
B.Sc Physics 
M.Sc in Agriculture (Agricultural Meteorology / Agricultural Physics /Soil Science /Environmental Science/Agronomy with 
B.Sc in Agriculture 4 years degree course

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification MSc in Agriculture  (agronomy/ Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry/ Environmental Science
B.Sc in agriculture 4 years degree course

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 3 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification MSc in Physics / Meteorology 
B.Sc in Physics 
M.E / M.Tech in Atmospheric sciences 
B.E /B.Tech in any discipline

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification MSc  in marine science/ ocean sciences/ chemicals oceanography/analytical chemistry/ environmental sciences 
B.Sc in any subject of life sciences/Physics 
M.E/M.Tech in any branch of marine sciences/ ocean sciences /chemistry / Environmental sciences
B.Sc in any subject of life sciences/Physics 
M.E/M.Tech in any branch of marine sciences/ ocean sciences/Chemical oceanography. Analytical chemistry/ Environmental sciences with
B.E/B.Tech in any discipline

Junior Research Fellow job

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification MSc in Oceanography / Marine Biology/ Maine Sciences
B.Sc in any subject of life science/Physics 
M.Tech in Oceanography / Marine sciences with
B.E/ B.Tech in any discipline


Selection process:

  1. The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and possession of the same doesn’t automatically make the candidates eligible to be called for an interview a  duly constituted screening committee shall screen the applications received for the posts based on the given eligibility criteria and may fix criteria as it may consider necessary for shortlisting the candidates  for interview
  2. In the event of a large number of applications received for a particular post NRSC  may conduct a computer-based test for shortlisting the candidates this is only for the purpose of screening /shortlisting the candidates the marks obtained in the CBT will not be taken into account for the final selection process
  3. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidates would be calculated based on the practice as followed by the respective university institution in the case of grade / CGPA the conversion to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure as certified by the respective university institution if any university institution confirms 
  4. The screened-in shortlisting candidates will be called for an interview before the selection committee communication shall be sent only to the screened-in-shortlisted candidates NRSC will not entertain any correspondence on the issue of shortlisting candidates the call letter for the interview to the shortlisting candidates will be sent only by e-mail no communication shall be made to the candidates who are not shortlisted not screened in

General Conditions:

  1. The post ion are temporary and for a specific duration
  2. The number of positions indicated above is provisional
  3. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview
  4. Outstation candidates called  for an interview will be paid a second-class railway fare by the shortest route from the addresses in the online application to the lace of the interview is a normal bus fare whichever is less on the production of proof of  journey such as railway
  5. Candidates called for an interview will have to produce all relevant original documents including no objection certificates in proof of details furnished in their applications submitted online along with a set of self-attested photocopies at the time of interview if any information furnished online is found to be wrong/false/ suppressed
  6. Applications will be received online only and all further communications including the call letter for an interview to the selected candidates will blame to the applicants through e-mail NRSC website only therefore the applicants are advised to check
  7. The selected JRFs are encouraged t register for Ph.D. from recognized universities and take up relevant research topics benefiting the individual and NRSC however they have to work extra time to complete the Ph.D. research
  8. Candidates possessing degrees awarded by foreign universities should produce the equivalency certificates issued by the Association of Indian universities AIU New Delhi at the time of interview/ while applying
  9. NRSC/ ISROP reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the positions if it so decided
  10. only Indian nationals need o apply
  11. No interim correspondence will be entertained
  12. Those intending to apply  for more than one post should submit separate applications for each post online
  13. Incomplete applications like those without photograph signature marks sheets 
  14. Selected candidates will be required to join the post immediately on  being found fit by the prescribed medical authority
  15. Clearance of appropriate authority will have to be taken before publishing any work report
  16. It is for the candidates to ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and complete the requirements and adhere to the instruction contained in this advertisement as well as in the application form candidates are three for 
  17. If any information furnished in the online applications is found wrong /false/incomplete the candidates will not be called for an interview
  18. Canvassing in any form will  be a disqualification
  19. In case of submission of duplicate multiple applications against a particular position, the latest application submitted before the closing date of submission of the application shall be considered for further processing
  20. In case of any ambiguity /dispute arising on account of the interpretation of the Hindi version contents enumerated in the English version only shall finally prevail
  21. It may be noted that the corrigendum if any related to any modification to the essential qualification requirements no of posts etc., will be notified on the NRSC website only and will  not be notified advertised in newspapers

How to apply forISRO Hyderabad Recruitment 2023

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through  online mode only

The selection process for ISRO jobs

Important  dates for ISRO Notification

online application starting date: 25 – March – 2023

online application ending date: 7 – April – 2023

Important links for ISRO Vacancy

Application form,

ISRO Hyderabad Recruitment 2023 Notification

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