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JIPMER Nursing Recruitment 2022

JIPMER Nursing Recruitment 2022 Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate medical education and Research, PuducherryApplications are invited

JIPMER Nursing Recruitment 2022

Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate medical education and Research, Puducherry

Applications are invited by Dr. Sreejith Partmeswaran, professor of Nephrology 9Principal investigator) Department of Nephrology, Jawaharlal institute of postgraduate  medical education and research (JIPMER), Puducherry form candidates for the post of clinical trial coordinator for the project Named: ” A Phase id, Multiple ascending dose studies of EQ001 in subject with SLE with or without active proliferative Lupus Nephritis”

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

JIPMER Nursing jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about JIPMER nursing jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the post and Number of vacancies 

  1. Clinical Trial Coordinator 

JIPMER Nursing Recruitment 2022  for Clinical Trial Coordinator 

Name of the post  Clinical Trial Coordinator 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 30,000/- per month (Consolidated) 
Upper age limit   Should be less than 3 years as of 4 – April -2022 
Educational qualification 

B.Sc Nursing or 3 years B.Sc Allied Health Sciences or B.Sc MLT 

Desirable qualification:

  1. Computer  skills with data entry of patient databases
  2. Clinical trial experience for 6 months or more 

Terms and conditions:

  1. The tenure for this post is one year which may be extended for the full project duration this position will be purely on a temporary /contractual basis for the specified period of time and based on the project
  2. Applicants with research experience good communication skills in Tami and basic computer skills will be preferred 
  3. The remuneration ios consolidated: benefit of providing fund, HRA. CCA, Leave Trsve; Concession medical claim, etc. are not applicable 
  4. The appointment can be terminated at any time with one month’s notice without assigning any reason or if the person’s work is considered unsatisfactory by the competent authority. 
  5. If the appointee wishes to resign his/ her has to serve one month’s notice or remit one month’s salat or pay thereof the case may be proportionate to the shortfall in the notice period 
  6. The appointee shall be o a full-time appointment for this project and shall not accept any other assignment nor engage himself/herself, paid or otherwise during the period of appointment 
  7. No TA/DA will be admissible to appear in the interview
  8. Since the posts are purely temporary the incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointments in JIPMERT or continuation of/her services in any other project 
  9. Only shortlisted candidates will be called fr a written test /interview (date will be communicated later) 
  10. The shortlist will be posted on the JIPMER website approximately be 29-April-2022 interview date will be within one week of shortlisting the date will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates by email 
  11. Canvassing in any form will be lead to disqualfcuiation

Applications to be sent in the prescribed format along with CV and copies of certificates y email to on or before 25 -April -222 4.30 pm

Interested and eligible candidates may send their application by email to mentioning in the subject line application for the post of clinical trial; coordinator 

How to apply to JIPMER Nursing Recruitment 

Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for JIPMER jobs

Selection mode:  Only shortlisted candidates will be called fr a written test /interview (date will be communicated later) 

Important dates for JIPMER Notification

online application starting date: 4 – April -2022

online application ending date: 29 – April -2022

Important links for JIPMER Vacancy 

Application form,


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