Lab Technician Jobs 2022

Lab Technician Jobs 2022 Applications are invited till 26-09-202 from the eligible and interested candidates for the following

Lab Technician Jobs 2022

Applications are invited till 26-09-202 from the eligible and interested candidates for the following project posts which are to be filled purely on a contractual and temporary basis to work in the ICMR-funded project entitled Evaluation of Sampling strategies for accessing the endemicity status of lymphocytic filariasis in a Non – MDA district at ICMR – VCRC Puducherry

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

Lab technical jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about the Lab Technician job 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1.  Project Technician – III  job 6 posts
  2. Fieldworker job 5 posts
  3. Project Technician, I job 3 posts
  4. Data Entry Operator (Grade – II ) job

Lab Technician Jobs 2022 for Project Technician – III  

Name of the postProject Technician – III 
Number of vacancies 6 posts 
Monthly salaryRs. 18,000/- per monh
Upper age limit Not exceeding 30 years
Educational Qualification

12th Standard pass in science subjects with any one of the following 

2. two years diplomas in medical laboratory technology or 

one year’s diploma in medical laboratory technology one-year experience in a recognized organization

two years of field /laboratory experience in government recognized organization 

B.Sc degree shall be treated as 3 tears experience 

Fieldworker job

Name of the postFieldworker
Number of vacancies 5 posts 
Monthly salaryRs. 18,000/- per monh
Upper age limit Not exceeding 30 years
Educational Qualification

12th Standard pass in science subjects with any one of the following 

2. two years diplomas in medical laboratory technology or 

one year’s diploma in medical laboratory technology one-year experience in a recognized organization

two years of field /laboratory experience in government recognized organization 

B.Sc degree shall be treated as 3 tears experience 

Project Technician, I job

Name of the postProject Technician I
Number of vacancies 3 posts 
Monthly salaryRs. 16,000/- per month
Upper age limit Not exceeding 25 years 
Educational Qualification

Higher school or equivalent with one year of experience in laboratory-related works from a government institution or recognized institute

intermediate 12th with science subjects shall be treated as 2 years of experience 

Data Entry Operator (Grade – II ) job

Name of the postData Entry Operator (Grade – II )
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salaryRs. 18,000/- per month
Upper age limit Not exceeding 28 years
Educational QualificationIntermediate or 12th pass In scenes stream from a recognized board with DOEAXCC “A” level from a recognized institute and/or 2 years experience in EDP work in Government/Autonomous /PSU or any other recognized organization

Other Information:

  1. Candidates who wish to apply for the above-mentioned posts mat download the application form from the website 
  2. Only applications submitted either by post or by hand before the last date will be considered no other mode will be entertained
  3. The posts are not suitable for persons with disabilities as it involves extensive fieldwork
  4. The information regarding the date of the personal interview/writing test will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates by email only 
  5. Age qualification experience etc will  be reckoned and on the last date of receipt of the application
  6. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection
  7. People already in regular time scale service under any government department /Organization are not eligible to apply 
  8. No TA/DA etc. will be paid to the candidate for appearing in a written test/ interview
  9. The selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointment in any ICMR institutes /Centres for the continuation of his/her service in any other project
  10. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or bringing political or other outside influence with regard to selection shall  be a disqualification and such candidates will not be considered
  11. The Director ICMR-VCRC Puducherry has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reasons and n correspondence in this matter will be entertained
  12. The applicants are advised to visit our website regularly for any updates and changes in the recruitment

General Instructions:

  1. The candidates found eligible will be called to attend the written test and o interview and they are required to be present at the venue in time as mentioned in the call letter
  2. The offer of engagement will be subject to verification of original certificates as per the advertisement
  3. No Calculator log tables communication devices like mobile phone tables/iPad etc.., are allowed inside the examination /interview Hall
  4. Request for re-evaluation of answer sheets will  not be entertained
  5. Candidates who resort to malpractice of any kind will immediately be sent out of the examination Hall 
  6. The candidates attending the above-written test/interview must follow Covid appropriate behaviors
  7. Preference will be given to the candidates from Salem district Tamil Nadu

How to apply for Lab Technician Recruitment

Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Lab Technician jobs

Important dates for Lab Technician Notification

online application starting date: 13 – September- 2022

online application ending date: 26 – September – 2022

Important links for Lab Technician Vacancy 

Application form,


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