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Lab Technician Jobs 2022

Lab Technician Jobs 2022 ICMR national institute of Malaria research will conduct walk-in interview / written tests on the below

Lab Technician Jobs 2022

ICMR national institute of Malaria research will conduct walk-in interview / written tests on the below-mentioned purely temporary predict posts tenable at ICMRT -NIMR for the period as mentioned below candidates possessing required essential qualification experience and age criteria may attend walk-in-interview / written test on the dates and venue an indicated in the schedule below along with the filled in the prescribed application form and supporting documents for proof of date of birth, qualifications, and experience

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

Lab technician jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about the Lab technician job 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies 

  1. Research Assistant job 1 post
  2. Laboratory Technician job 1 post
  3. Data entry Operatory job 1 post
  4. Multi-tasking Staff job 1 post
  5. Research Assistant job 1 post
  6. Laboratory Technician job 1 post
  7. Multi-tasking Staff job 1 post

Lab Technician Jobs 2022 for Research Assistant

Name of the post Research Assistant
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  30 years
Educational Qualification Graduate in life sciences subjects from a recognized university 3 years of work experience from a recognized institute or master’s degree in life science

Laboratory Technician job

Name of the post Laboratory Technician
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 18,000/- per month
Upper age limit  30 years
Educational Qualification

12th pass in science subjects and to tears diploma in medical laboratory technician or one year DMLT plus one-year required experience from a recognized or two years field laboratory experience

B.Sc degree shall e trusted a 3 years experience 

Data entry Operatory job

Name of the post Data entry Operatory
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 17,520/- per month
Upper age limit  28 years
Educational Qualification

Intermediate or 12 passes in science stream from a recognized board with DOEACC ‘A” level from a recognized institute and/or 2 years experience in EDP work in Government Autonomous PSU or any other recognized organization

A speed test of not less than 8000 key depression per hour through speed test on a computer

Multi-tasking Staff job

Name of the post Multi-tasking Staff
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 17,520/- per month
Upper age limit  25 years
Educational Qualification High school or equivalent 

ICMR National Institute of Malaria Research, IDVC, FIELD, UNIY, CIVIL Hospital, Nadiad m Gujarat 

Research Assistant job

Name of the post Research Assistant
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month
Upper age limit  30 years
Educational Qualification Graduate in life sciences subjects from a recognized university 3 years work experience from a recognized institute or master’s degree  in life sciences 

Laboratory Technician job

Name of the post Laboratory Technician
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 18,000/- per month
Upper age limit  30 years
Educational Qualification

12th pass in science subjects and two years diploma in medical laboratory technician or one year DMLT plus one-year experience from a recognized  organization or two years filed laboratory experience

B.Sc degree shall be treated as 3 years of experience 

Multi-tasking Staff job

Name of the post Multi-tasking Staff
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 17,520/- per month
Upper age limit  25 years
Educational Qualification High school or equivalent

Terms and  conditions:

  1. Interested and eligible candidates possessing the essential qualification and experience can appear for walk-in interview /personal discussions (as applicable) on the dates mentioned against each post along with the duly filled in prescribed application form (attached) 
  2. Incomplete applications applications not submitted in prescribed form and applications without supportive documents asked for shall be summarily rejected qualification and experience should be in relevant discipline /field and from a reputed institution/organization recognized by the relevant authority
  3. Separate applications should be submitted  for each post if applying for more than one post
  4. Experience shall be counted from the date of completion of minimum essential educational qualification
  5. Submission of incorrect or false information during the process of walk-in interview/ personal discussion shall disqualify the candidates at any stage
  6. The director reserves the right to increase /decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement
  7. The director, NIMR reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up posts advertised on websites 
  8. Candidates should write the name of the project on the top of the application
  9. No benefit of provident fund leave travel concession medical claim etc. will be considered since the post is purely on a temporary basis
  10. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/Ew department candidates including discussion
  11. No TA/Da will be paid for attending the walk-in interview / personal discussion /written test
  12. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification /experience does not guarantee selection
  13. Candidates already in regular service under any central /state Govt/Autompus Dept./PSU are not eligible to apply
  14. Selected candidates will be granted leave as per ICMR guidelines
  15. Posts are contractual for the duration offered
  16. The above posts are filled up purely on a contractual basis and the candidates will have no right to claim for any type of permanent employment under ICMR-NIMR or continuation of/her services in any other project
  17. Canvassing and bringing inside or outside influence in any form for shortlisting and employment will be treated as a disqualification and the candidates will be debarred from the selection process
  18. Candidates reporting after the scheduled date/time will not be allowed to appear in an interview/ or personal discussion

How to apply Lab technician Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Lab technician jobs

Selection mode: Walk-in-interview

Important dates for Lab technician Notification

online application starting date: 17 – August – 2022

online application ending date: 31 – August -2022

Important links for Lab technician Vacancy

Application form,


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