MPH Recruitment 2022
Department of preventive and social medicine JIPMER Puducherry
The following position under the projects titled estimation of cost-effectiveness threshold (CET) for India and Cost-effectiveness of Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi party yojana (PMBJP) and its impact on financial Risk perfection in India yo be filled purely on a temporary basis for a period of 89 days ( with a possibility of extension up to 89 days based on performance) the projects are funded by de[eatmeny of health research (DHR) Govt of India and conducted by the Dept, of preventive and social medicine at JIPMER panel of recommended candidates shall be shortlisted after written test followed by an interview
Has recently released a recruitment notification for following
MPH jobs and other variance through online mode only
Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only
Get more about MPH jobs 2022 details given below
MPH Recruitment 2022 for Field investigator
Name of the post | Field investigator |
Number of vacancies | 4 posts two for each project) |
Monthly salary | Rs. 32,000/– per month |
Upper age limit | Maximum 35 years |
Educational qualification |
Master of public health degree Desirable qualification: Knowledge of computer applications or data management tools |
Interested candidates are requested to send their 2 page CV to the email ID: on or before 9-April-2022 the date of the interview is tentatively scheduled in the third week of April 2022 and the exact date will be notified to the applicants through email
Nature of Duties:
- To provide support for planning to manage and implementing project activities
- Field visits to survey site for data collection and its related permissions
- Any other work assigned by the PI/Co-PI /Superior officer /Director
Note :
- The validity of the shortlist will be valid for three months from the date of publication and renewable accordingly
- Qualification and experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an institute of repute experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification
- Qualification experience other terms and conditions may be relaxed /altered at the discretion of the project investigator
- The upper age limit may be relaxed as per Govt. of India’s rules
- The post is purely on connect basis for an externally sponsored project and no claim for any other regular post in JIPMETR /DHRT/ICMR shall be entertained
- Valid email id and mobile number os compulsory
- Consolidated salary of the post may vary from time to time no other allowance /facilities other than consolidating salat shall be extended
- The decision of the selection committee will be final
- No TA.DA will be paid for the interview
- Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification
- Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage
- Performance of the appointee is not found satisfactory by the investigator appointment can learn inmate at any time without any notice
- The appointee may relive from the current job position with 15 days prior notice, failing to do so may be held responsible for paying 15 days’ salary
How to apply MPH Recruitment
Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for MPH jobs
Selection mode: Interview /Shortlisted
Important dates for MPH Notification
online application string date: 28 – March -2022
online application ending date: 9-April-2022
Important links for MPH Vacancy