NALCO Recruitment 2022
Nationals Aluminum company limited (NALCO) is a Navratan central PSU and one of the largest integrated Alumni Aluminum Complexes of Asia, Having state-of-the-art technology with its present turnovers of more than Rs. 14,000 CRS is going for further growth and expansion within India and across the globe, the company being a prominent foreign exchange same for the country also enjoys premier trading house state in the field of export and has won many prestigious awards for its excellent performance with significant value addition to its shareholders the planta and offices are multi-locational with its corporate office at Bhubaneswar Odisha the company believes in achieving organizational excellence through competent human resources and practices having people-centric” approach to achieve its vision to be a premie and integrated company in the Aluminum value chain with strategic presence in mining both domestic and global metals and energy sectors
To achieve its vision to be a reputed global company in the metals and energy sector NALCO is looking for committed promising and competent young graduate engineers with brilliant academic careers to join ye organization as graduate engineer trainees (GETS) in the disciplines of mechanical/electrical, instrumentation, Metallurgy, Chemical, Chemistry, Civil and mining as per details given below
Has recently released the recruitment notification for following
NALCO Jobs and other vacancies through online mode only
Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode on;y
Get more about NALCO jobs 2022 details given below
Name of the posts and Number of vacancies
- Mechanical job 58 posts
- Electrical job 41 posts
- Instrumentation job 32 posts
- Metallurgy job 14 posts
- Chemical job 14 posts
- Mining (MN) job 10 posts
- Civil (CE) job 7 posts
- Chemistry (CY) job 13 posts
NALCO Recruitment 2022 for Mechanical
Name of the post | Mechanical |
Number of vacancies | 58 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Mechanical / production engineering |
Electrical job
Name of the post | Electrical |
Number of vacancies | 41 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Electrical power engineering |
Instrumentation job
Name of the post | Instrumentation |
Number of vacancies | 32 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Electronics /Instrumentation /Telecom/ electrical engineering |
Metallurgy job
Name of the post | Metallurgy |
Number of vacancies | 14 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Metallurgical engineering |
Chemical job
Name of the post | Chemical |
Number of vacancies | 14 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Chemical engineering /n.Tech in Applied Chemistry |
Mining (MN) job
Name of the post | Mining (MN) |
Number of vacancies | 10 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Mining Engineering |
Civil (CE) job
Name of the post | Civil (CE) |
Number of vacancies | 7 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | Civil / Archioterctre / Ceramics Engieering |
Chemistry (CY) job
Name of the post | Chemistry (CY) |
Number of vacancies | 13 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 40,000/- per month |
Upper age limit | 30 years |
Educational Qualification | M.Sc Chemistry or AIC |
General instructions:
- All Indian Nationals are eligible to apply
- Since all the applications will be screened based on the data furnished in the online application and without any documented evidence/ proof the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and the conditions mentioned in this advertisement as well as in the career section of NALC website
- The candidates should ensure that they fill up all the eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement and that the particulars furnished by them in the online application are correct in all respects mere submission of an online application successfully does not imply that the company (NALCO) has been satisfied with the candidate’s eligibility
- In Case it is detected at any stage of recruitment /selection/ or after the appointment that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/ false information or has suppressed any material facts about his /her candidature /appointment will automatically stand canceled as the candidature /appointment would be deemed to be void al into
- Candidates working in PSU/Govt organizations are required to produce NOC at the time of the interview or submit relieving order at the time of joining if selected
- The e-mail id entered in the online application form must remain valid for a minimum of one year all future communication with the candidates will take place through e-mail only NALCO will not be responsible for any loss/non-delivery of e-mali – any other communication sent due to invalid/wrong id or due to any other reason
- No manual /paper application will be entertained
- NALCO reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards/ the management reserves the right to fill or not to fill or partly fill any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever NALCO also reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/modify/alter the recruitment process if the need arises without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever
- Canvassing by candidates in any form shall disqualify his/her candidates
- Candidates are advised to visit the career section of the NALCO website for later updates as no separate communication will be sent
- Any dispute with regard to recruitment will be settled within the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar only
How to apply NALCO Recruitment
Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for NALCO jobs
Selection mode:
The final selection of the candidates will be based on the marks secured in GATE 2022 and their performance in the personal interview the weightage assigned to GATE marks and personal interview are 90% and 10 % respectively
Important dates for NALCO Notification
online application starting date: 11 – August – 2022
online application ending date: 11 – September – 2022
Important links for NALCO Vacancy