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National Coal Field Recruitment 2022

National Coal Field Recruitment 2022 NCL invites online applications from Indian nationals possessing the minimum qualifications required for

National Coal Field Recruitment 2022

NCL invites online applications from Indian nationals possessing the minimum qualifications required for regular appointment to the positions of mining sirdar T&S 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

National Coal Field jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about National Coal Field jobs 2022 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Mining Sridar job 374 posts
  2. Surveyor T&S job 31 posts

National Coal Field Recruitment 2022 for Mining Sridar

Name of the post Mining Sridar 
Number of vacancies 374 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 3182.56/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 to 30  years 
Educational Qualification

1. Matriculate or equivalent examination from any recognized board of examination 

2. Valid mining sirdar certificates of competency issued by DGMS under Coal mines regulation 2017 or any other certificates in mining that entitle the applicant to work as a mining sirdar as per coal mines regulation

3. Valid gas testing certificate

4. Valid First Aid Certificates


  1. Matriculation or equivalent examination from any recognized board of examination
  2. Degree or diploma in mining engineering from a recognized institute 

Surveyor T&S job

Name of the post Surveyor T&S
Number of vacancies 31 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 34391.65/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 to 30  years 
Educational Qualification
  1. Matriculate or equivalent examination from any recognized board of examination
  2. Surveyors certificate of competency (SCC) granted under CMR 2017 or any other certificates in mining that entitle the applicant to work as a Surveyor in mines as per Coal mins regulation 
  3. or 
  4. Degree or diploma in mining /mine surveying engineering from any recognized institute
  5. Surveys  certificates of competency (SCC) granted under CMR 201 or any other certificate in mining that entitle the applicant to work as a Surveyor  in mines as per Coal mines regulation 

Selection process:

  1. Eligible candidates meeting the minimum eligibility criteria on the crucial date as specified under their employment notification

General instruction for candidates:

  1. A candidate can apply only for a single post against this employment notification 
  2. All qualifications should be recognized by AICTE/UGC /appropriate Indiana statutory authorities 
  3. Before submitting the application the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the employment notification he/she may cross-check the information such as date of birth, category, contact details, qualification, etc.
  4. The decision of NCL management regarding eligibility criteria acceptance or rejection of applications mode of selection t the post etc shall be final and binding on all candidates merely fulfilling minimum qualifications and job requirements will not vest any right on candidates for being called for the computer-based test
  5. Mere issuance of admit card/call letter to a candidate will not imply  that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by NCL the candidature shall remain provisional till such time NCL verifies the eligibility conditions with reference to original documents after the candidate qualified in the CBT and confirms the appointment
  6. Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post for which they have applied in case it is found at any stage of the selection process or even after the appointment that the candidate has submitted false or incorrect information or suppressed any relevant information/material facts or does not fulfill the eligibility criteria his/her candidature/service is liable for rejection/termination without notice
  7. No relaxation in the minimum educational qualification as prescribed in clause -2 of this employment notification is admissible for any category of candidate
  8. Age and all other eligibility criteria shall  be reckoned as on the  crucial date as prescribed under this employment notification
  9. All documents (Caste Certificate, educational qualification, EWS certificate, PwBD certificates, etc.,) as per applicability and as provided by the candidate will be verified by the office of issuing authority and candidature will be canceled if the certificates are not found satisfactory/genuine at any subsequent stage of computer-based test 
  10. Candidates are advised to apply much before the closing date for submission of the online applicator mentioned in this employment notification to avoid last-minute network congestion
  11. NCL will not take any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications online within the prescribed closing dates on account of any reasons beyond the control of NCL
  12. Selected candidates could be posted in any of the mines/establishments of NCL and are liable to be transferred to other subsidiaries of coal India limited at any time during their service as may be required
  13. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to being found  medically fit in the company medical examination as per the laid down rules relating to the medical examination of CIL
  14. Selection of candidate shall be provisional subject to verification of documents relating to eligibility criteria, character, antecedents, and other documents submitted by the candidate and are also subject to  his/her meeting other requirement appliable for appointment under the rules of NCL
  15. Appointment of the candidate in NCL will be subject to  verification of character and antecedents  by the prescribed authorities and if any  discrepancy /suppression is found the candidature of the candidate will be canceled and the decision of NCL in this regard shall be final
  16. The date of the computer-based test (CBT) and other details will be subsequently informed candidates will  have to appear at the center 
  17. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the CBT scrutiny /verification of certificates and documents or for joining on being selected except otherwise as provided in this employment notification
  18. The candidate will appear for the CBT at the exam center at his/her own risk and northern coalfields limited will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc
  19. NCL management reserves the right to modify /alter/restrict/enlarge/cancel the recruitment process and revise the number of vacancies at its discretion without assigning any reasons whatsoever the decision of the NCL management will be final and no appeal will be entertained in this regard
  20. The Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be the honorable high court of Jabalpur M.P
  21. In case of any ambiguity/ confusion, the English Version of the employment notification will be considered valid

How to apply for National Coal Field Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for National Coal Field jobs

Important dates for National Coal Field Notification

online application starting date: 1 – December – 2022

online application ending date: 22 – December – 2022

Important links for National Coal Field Vacancy

Application form,


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