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Nephrotic Syndrome Signs and Symptoms Management Nursing Care

Nephrotic Syndrome Signs and Symptoms Management Nursing Care It is a clinical state in which a group of symptoms that can be developed in many renal diseases. In which abnormal increased permeability to pass plasma proteins. Proteninuria increases and plasma proteins decrease.

The main characteristics of Nephrotic syndrome are edema, Proteninuria, hypolabunaemia; hypercholesteremia the cause is known resteraemia. Increased Permeability of the Glomerulus leading to loss pf Proteins in to the tubles

Classification Nephrotic Syndrome

(i) Minimal change Nephrotic syndrome.

(ii) Secondary Nephrotic syndrome

(iii) Congenital Nephrotic syndrome (usually die by second year of life).

Signs and Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

  1. Proteinuria
  2. Hypoalbumineamia, general health loss of appetitie.
  3. Hyperlipemia.
  4. Generalized dependent edema, especially genital, periorbital and abdominal (ascitis).
  5. Symptoms of nephritis hematuria and hypertension.
  6. Weight gain.
  7. Vomiting anorexia and diarrhea.
  8. Child becomes irritate & fatigued.
  9. Urine output decreases.
  10. Muscle wasting and pallor skin.
  11. Frothy Urine,
  12. Leukonychia,
  13. DVT – Deep Vein Thrombosis,
  14. MI- Mayocardial Ischemia,
  15. Leukonychia,
  16. Blood Pressure Normal or Raised,
  17. Generalized symptoms – Reduced appetite, Lethargy, Fatigue,

Cause for Nephritic Syndrome

Secondary Glomerulus Nephrotic Syndrome Causes,

Nephrotic Syndrome Pathophysiology

Diagnostic Evaluations for Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment: Conservative Therapy,

Medical Managemnt for Nephrotic Syndrome:

Supportive therapy is given

Nephrotic Syndrome Surgical Management

Nephrotic Syndrome Nursing Care

Parental Advice:

Nephrotic Syndrome Complications: Immuno suppressive therapy resulting in recurrent infection.

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