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NIAB Recruitment In Hyderabad 2022

NIAB Recruitment In Hyderabad 2022 National Institute of biotechnology, NIAB, An autonomous institute under the agencies of the department

NIAB Recruitment In Hyderabad 2022

National Institute of biotechnology, NIAB, An autonomous institute under the agencies of the department of biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. is aimed to harness novel and emerging biotechnologies and crate knowledge in the cutting edge areas for improving animal health and productivity. the institute’s research focuses on animal genetics and genomics, transgenic technology, reproductive technology, diseases, nutritional enrichment, and bioinformatics. The institute aims at translational research, leading to genetic enhancement of Indian livestock species, and basic research towards the development of novel vaccines, diagnostics, and improved therapeutic molecules for farm animals.

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

NIAB jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about NIAB jobs In Hyderabad 2022 details are given below


1 Senior Manager (Admin & Finance) job

Name of the post  Senior Manager (Admin & Finance)
Number of vacancies 1 post
Upper age limit 45 years
Monthly salary 12th as per 7th CPC
educational qualifications for Direct Recruits Post Gradue in HRD/ Personnel Managment/ Accounts or MBA (Financae/ HR) from a rcognized institute/ University with 8 years of experience in adminstration/ Establishement/ finanace/ Accounts/ Stores and purcahse in a Govt./ Autonomus /Private Organization of repute.
Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment basis (Lien vacancy, likely to be continued)
Job Description The Incumbent will function as Head of administration and finance & Accounts and will be responsible for all administrate and financial matters including procurements. He/She will assist the director in all the above matters in accordance with the rules and regulations of society. He/ she handle establishment, recruitment, vigilance, stores & purchase, general administration, security, estates, construction activities, audits, etc. Assist/ convene meetings of the society, governing body, Finance committee, building committee, etc., and liaise between director and nodal officer, DBT, and all concerned officials of DBT and other government agencies as the time demands.
Desirable qualifications
  1. Knowledge of administrative /finance rules and regulations in scientific organizations, computer applications/ financial management of R&D institution/ Management information system.
  2. Experience in handling R&D organization.

2 Senior D job

Name of the post  Senior D 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Method of recruitment Direct Recruitment basis
Upper age limit 50 years
Monthly salary 12 as per 7th CPC
Educational qualifications for Direct Recruits

Ph.D. in veterinary sciences/ animal sciences/ Modern biology/ Life sciences equivalent from a recognized university with a strong track record of research, academic accomplishment in terms of publications and patents, and attracting generous research funding.

ii) Evidence of leadership with 3 years of R&D experience in any one of the NIAB Thrust areas.

Job Description

The selected candidates are supposed to work on production, reproduction, and health aspects of livestock using modern tools of biotechnology. In Addition to my own research program. he/she is expected to provide support for other research projects at NIAB.

The selected candidates are also expected to lead the HRD program of the institute. In addition, candidates have to attract extra-manual funding to establish and lead research programs.

Areas in which applications are invited 
  • reproductive Biotechnology
  • Organ-on-chip technologies/ point of care diagnostics
  • Genome editing tools for disease model generation

3 Senior- C job

Name of the post  Senior- C 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Upper age limit 40 years
Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment basis
Monthly salary 11 as per 7th CPC


Educational qualifications for Direct Recruits

Ph.D. in veterinary sciences/ animal sciences/ Modern biology/ Life sciences equivalent from a recognized university with a strong track record of research, academic accomplishment in terms of publications and patents, and attracting generous research funding.
Job Description

The selected candidates are supposed to work on production, reproduction, and health aspects of livestock using modern tools of biotechnology. In Addition to my own research program. he/she is expected to provide support for other research projects at NIAB.

The selected candidates are also expected to lead the HRD program of the institute. In addition, candidates have to attract extra-manual funding to establish and lead research programs.

  • organoid /Microfluidic devices generation for diagnostics
  • Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Nutrigenomics

4 scientist -B job

Name of the post  scientist -B 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Upper age limit 35 years
Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment basis
Monthly salary 10 as per 7th CPC
Educational qualifications for Direct Recruits M.V.Sc/ M.Sc/M.Tech or equivalent degree from a recognized university with outstanding academic & Publication record along with 3 years of R&D experience in any of the NIAB thrust areas.
Job Description

The selected candidates are also expected to work in the research projects at NIAB/ aimed at i) Livestock production/ reproduction/ developmental biology to address issues of infertility by employing a combination of traditional and modern biological approaches to create new knowledge and develop novel diagnostics and therapeutic tools for infertility in livestock and ii) animal nutrition, efficient feed utilization, etc.

In Addition, candidates are expected to help another scientist with basic research.

  • stem cell biology
  • molecular reproductive biology
  • bio Veternty devices

How to apply NIAB Recruitment In Hyderabad 2022


age limit shall be reckoned as on the closing date for receipt of application.

the upper age limit is up to 05 years for Sc/ ST and 03 years for OBC as per the Government orders in force only in those cases where the posts are reserved for respective categories, on the production of relevant certificates in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority at the time of interview. The OBC Candidates should produce the prescribed certificate valid for employment under the following categories: UR-10 years, OBC-13 years, Sc/ST -15 years for ex-servicemen up to the extent of service rendered in defense forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) plus 3 years.

The age limit, qualification, experience, and other requirements may be relaxed at the discretion of the component authority, in the case of candidates who are otherwise found suitable.

Reservation for persons with disability (PWD) will be in reckoned from the date of acquiring the qualification prescribed or the position.

In case a large number of applications are received for each post, the screening will be done to limit the number of candidates to those processing higher/ relevant qualifications and experience. The decision of the competent authority will be final in this respect.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test/ or interview as desired by the competent authority.

How to apply:

Important dates for NIAB notifications In Hyderabad 2022

 online Application starting date: 20 – March -2022 

 online Application ending date: 19 – April -2022

Important links of NIAB vacancy In Hyderabad 2022

Application form,



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