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NIPHTR Admission Notice 2022

NIPHTR Admission Notice 2022 for MPH PGDHM Sanitary Inspector PGDCHC

NIPHTR Admission Notice 2022 for MPH PGDHM Sanitary Inspector PGDCHC

DHPE, Diabetes Educator, Home health Aid, General duty Assistant, First Responder 

Admission Notices through  National Institute of Public Health Training & Research Mumbai 

Has recently released notification for Admission Notice  through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Admission Notices 2022 details given  below 

 List of Courses offered by NIPHTR Admission Notice 2022



Diabetic Educator

Home Health Aid,

General duty Assistant,

First Responder

MPH – Masters of Public Health Admissions Notification 2022

Name of the Course Masters of Public Health (MPH) 
Number of vacancies  10 
Upper age limit  21 years
Educational qualification  Bachelors Degree

PGDHM – Post-Graduate Diploma in  Hospital Management Admissions 

Name of the Course Post-Graduate Diploma in  Hospital Management (PGDHM) job 
Number of vacancies  30 posts 

Upper age limit

21 years 
Educational qualification  Graduate

Post Graduate Diploma Course in Community Health Care (PGDCHC) 

Name of the course post-Graduate Diploma Course in Community Health Care (PGDCHC) 
Number of vacancies  30 
Upper age limit  30 years
Educational qualification  Graduate 

Diploma Course in Health Promotion Education (DHPE) 

Name of the post  Diploma Course in health promotion education (DHPE) 
Number of vacancies  30 
Upper age limit  40 years
Educational qualification  Graduate 

Skill Based Courses 

Sanitary health inspector 

Name of the Courses Sanitary health inspector 
Number of vacancies  30 
Upper age limit   18-30 years
Educational qualification  10+2  Sciences pass 

Diabetes Educator 

Name of the post  Diabetes Educator 
Number of vacancies  20 
Upper age limit  18-30 years
Educational qualification  Graduate in Public Health 

Home Health Aide 

Name of the courses  Home Health Aide 
Number of vacancies 20 
Upper age limit  18 -30 years
Educational qualification 10+2 Science pass

General Duty Assistant 

Name of the post  General Duty Assistant 
Number of vacancies  20 
Upper age limit  18 – 30 years 
Educational qualification  10+2 Sciences pass 

first Responder 

Name of the courses  First Responder 
Number of vacancies  20 
Upper age limit  18 years
Educational qualification 8th Standard

Courses and Fees details Name of Course Total fee 
1.  Masters in Public Health (MPH)  80,0000 

Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management PGDHM) 

S.No  Name of the post  Total fee
Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management PGDHM)  25,000/ 

Post Graduate Diploma Course in Community Health Care (PGDCHC) 

S.No  Name of the post  Total fee 
3.  Post Graduate Diploma Course in Community Health Care (PGDCHC)  12,000/-

Diploma Course in Health Promotion Education (DHPE) 

S.No  Name of the post  Total fee 
4. Diploma Course in Health Promotion Education (DHPE)  12,000/- 

Skill Based Training Programme 

S.No  Name of the post  Total Fee 
1.  Sanitary health inspector  75,000/- 
2.  Diabetes Educator  65,000/-
3. Home Health Aide  45,000/- 
4. General Duty Assistant  55,000/- 
5. first Responder  75,000/- 

How to apply  to apply

Last date of Application:  31 – March -2022

Application link,


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