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NISE Govt jobs in Gurgram

NISE Govt jobs in Gurgram National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is an autonomous institute of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

NISE Govt jobs in Gurgram

National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is an autonomous institute of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India to function as an apex national center for research and technology Developed in the areas of Solar Energy. NISE is located on 1 the Gurugram-Faridabad Road, Gwal-Pahari, Gurugram(Haryana) The R&D activities of NISE are carried out in coordination with other research organizations and industry

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

NISE Govt jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about NISE Govt jobs 2022 details given below 

NISE Govt jobs in Gurgram for  Deputy Deictror General (Technical) 

Name of the post  Deputy Deictror General (Technical) 
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. Pay Level 13A as per 7th CPC 
Upper age limit  The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 40 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educational qualification 
  • Doctor Degree in the relevant subject of Physical/Chemistry /Renewable energy/energy/Environmental Science or masters degree in engineering /technology in the discipline /subject to the job requirements
  • Twelve years specialized experience in Research and Development in R&D organizations/ Develplomrnt /Design/Construction in Industrial/Academic/Government/ institutions/organizations/private sector organizations (The experience shall ve of a special nature relevant to the job requirement of the post 

Disable qualification:

  • Experience in ending national and /or international programs, with special reference to new and renewable sources of energy. the experience should cover innovation /research and development including field assignment of original nature in the field of new and renewable energy art scientific/technical laboratories/ institutes, industry, university/associations/.private sector 
  • Knowledge about the overall perspective of national energy problems and policies and ability to direct large integrated programs 

Note: The period spent to acquire essential qualifications including a doctorate degree before joining an organization shall not be counted as field experience 

2. Director (Technical) job

Name of the post  Director (Technical)
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. Pay level 12 as per 7th CPC
Upper age limit  The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 40 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educational qualification 
  • Masters Degree in Physical /Chemistry.Renewable energy/Energy/Environmental Science or BVaschelors degree in Engeeitng or technology in mechanical/Electrical /Electronics from a recognized university or institute 
  • Eight years specialized experience of research ad development in R&D organizations/industrial /Academic institutions and/or Science and Technology organizations /private sector out of which 4 years may be in Science and technology programs., planning Development and coordination, the experience shall be of a specific nature relevant to the job requirements of the post 


Desirable qualification:

  • Doctor Degree in the relevant subject of Physical/Chemistry /Renewable energy/energy/Environmental Science or masters degree in engineering /technology in the discipline /subject to the job requirements
  • Experience may be in coordination with policy planning and project development in the area of new and renewable sources of energy including felid assignment of original nature in the field or new and renewable energy at scientific/technical laboratories. institute, industry-university/associations./provate stereo 

3. Deputy Director (Technical) job

Name of the post  Deputy Director (Technical)
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. Leval 11 as per 7th CPC
Upper age limit  The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 40 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educatonal qualification 
  • Masters Degree in Physical /Chemistry.Renewable energy/Energy/Environmental Science or BVaschelors degree in Engeeitng or technology in mechanical/Electrical /Electronics from a recognized university or institute 
  • Four years of specialized experience in research and development in R&DS organization. the private sector, the experience shall be of a specific nature relevant to the job requirement of the post

Desirable qualification:

  • Doctor Degree in the relevant subject of Physical/Chemistry /Renewable energy/energy/Environmental Science or masters degree in engineering /technology in the discipline /subject to the job requirements
  • Experience may be in coordination with policy planning and project development in the area of new and renewable sources of energy
  • Not The period spent to acquire essential qualifications including a doctorate degree before joining an organization shall not be counted as dialed experience 


4. Executive officer job

Name of the post  Executive officer
Number of vacancies  4 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. Level 8 as per 7th CPC
Upper age limit The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 40 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educational qualification 
  1. Bachelors Degree in Science or engineering equivalent from a recognized university 
  2. Basic operational computer knowledge.
  3. Minimum 2 two years experience in Govt /PSU/Autonomous Bodies in the relevant areas in PB -2,9300 -34800+GP 4600



5. Executive Assistant – I job

Name of the post  Executive Assistant – I
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. Level 7 as pet 7th CPC
Upper age limit The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 40 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educational qualification 

Diploma in Engineering or Bachelors Degree in Science or Engineering from a recognized university/Borad./institution 

Basic Operational computer Knowledge

6. Deputy Director (Administration) job

Name of the post  Deputy Director (Administration)
Number of vacancies   
Monthly salary   
Upper age limit  The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 40 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educational qualification 

At least first-class bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with professional qualification of SAS/MBA/CA 

2. Experience at least 3 years in general management, finance, accounts, Budget, Personnel, administration in autonomous bodies/ R&D institutions/ university 

3. Operational computer knowledge of currently used software and packages dor office

Desirable qualification:

MBA/Diploma in   Management /CA/ICWA

7. Office Secretary -I job

Name of the post  Office Secretary -I
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. level 8 as per 7th CPC
Upper age limit  The upper age limit for direct recruitment to this position will be 35 years (Relaxable for Government servants up to this year in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time o time 
Educational qualification  

1. Bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognized University 

2. Skill test norms Dictation 10 Mts. @120 wpm Transcription 50 Mts. (English) 654 Mts. (Hindi) on computer

3. Operational computer knowledge of currently used software and package for office 

How to apply NISE Govt Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for NISE Govt jobs 

Selection process :

General terms and conditions:

Important dates for NISE Govt Notification

online application starting date: 5 – March -2022

online application ending date: 20 – April -2022

Important links for NISE Govt Vacancy 

Application form,


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