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NSTFDC Recruitment in Delhi

NSTFDC Recruitment in Delhi Nationally scheduled tribes finance and development Corporation (NSTFDC) a PSU under the ministry

NSTFDC Recruitment in Delhi

Nationally scheduled tribes finance and development Corporation (NSTFDC) a PSU under the ministry of tribal affairs primarily engaged in providing financial assistance to eligible scheduled tri tribes persons invited offline applications from suitable candidates for its corporate office at New Delhi on direct recruitment basis the post wise and category wise break up of vacancies with pay scale is as under 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

NSTFDC jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about NSTFDC jobs 2022 details given below

NSTFDC Recruitment in Delhi for Assistant general manager (personnel) 

Name of the post  Assistant general manager (personnel) 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. E – 4 Level  per month 
Upper age limit  maximum age 42 years 
Educational qualification 

PG Degree in personnel management /industrial relations /HRD./ Social work from a recognized university 

Desirable qualification: MBA/LLB./PG Diploma in labor laws

Experience: Minimum 8 years experience in the relevant field of wi\hich 5 years in a middle managerial level 

job profile:

Dealing with personnel policies /rules and regulations and all service matters of the employees including advances /loans to the employees and third other claims; deleting with disciplinary and legal matters concerning employees 

Manager (projects) job

Name of the post  Manager (projects)
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary  Rs. E-2 Level per month 
Upper age limit  Maximum age 37 years
Educational qualification 

PG Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce /Agriculture Science /Vet . 
Science /B.E from a recognized university 

Desirable qualification:



Minimum 5 years experience in the relevant field of which 3 years at the executive level

Job profile:

Preparation of project profiles formulation scrutiny appraisal execution implementation evaluation and monitoring of project preferably of a developmental nature, disbursement of fi\unds, impact assessment of projects on target groups /beneficiaries

Dy. Manager (personnel) job

Name of the post  Dy. Manager (personnel)
Number of vacancies  1 post
Monthly salary  Rs. E-1 Level per month
Upper age limit  Maximum age 2\32 years 
Educational qualification 

PG degree /Diploma in industrial; relations /Pers. 

Desirable qualification:

Recognized degree /Diploma in industrial relations /Pers. Management /Human Resource Development / MBA/LLB/PG Dip. in Labour laws 

Experience: Minimum 3 years experience in the supervisory level 

job profile:

Dealing with personnel policies /rules and regulations and all service matters of the employees including advances /loans to the employees and their other claims; dealing with disciplinary and legal matters concerning employees 

Assistant job

Name of the post  Assistant 
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 23200 – 89400/- per month 
Upper age limit  Maximum age 27 years 
Educational qualification 

Degree in Arts /Science /Commerce from a recognized university 

Desirable qualification:

Knowledge of typing 

Experience: Minimum 3 years experience in the Establishment and genera; Administration 

Jr. Assistant job

Name of the post  Jr. Assistant
Number of vacancies  1 post 
Monthly salary  Rs. 21700 – 83900/- per month 
Upper age limit  Maximum age ad on 1-March -2022 27 years
Educational qualification 

12th pass /Speed of 30 WPM in Typing (English /Hindi) 

Desirable qualification:

De\ree in Arts ,Science /Commerce 

one pot of Jr. Assistant would be considered for Physically Handicapped from any of the stated categories of UR, SC, or ST 

Application fee:

mode of selection:

for the post of Asst. general manager (Pers.) management (Proj.) and Dy. Manager (pers.

The mode of selection will be decided by NSTFDC the shortlisted candidates in respect of the above posts will have to appear for a personal interview at the corporate office of NSTFDC, New Delhi

NSTFDC reserves the right to screen and call only such candidates as are found prima facie suitable for being considered by the selection committee. this mere fulfilling the [presctebed conditions would not entitle one to be called for interview

Examination center:

The computer-based test for the recruitment to the post of assistant and Jr. assistant is likely to be held in the national capital region of Delhi call letter/ admit card for the computer-based test and typing test of the eligible candidates  will be issued separately further the date of examination /computer-based test for the above-said post will be intimated in due course 

Terms and conditions:

 How to apply  NSTFDC Recruitment

Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply in the prescribed format given at our website candidates may apply in the prescribed format enclosed at Annexure-I along with self-attested photocopies of the testimonials recent passport size photograph and application fee of Rs. 1000/- for the post of Manager and Dy. manger and Rs. 500/- d\for the post  of assistant and Jr. Assistant by way of in favor of NSTFDC payable at new Delhi within 30 days of publication of the advertising, many in the employment news Hindustan times and Hindu

The application form completed in all respects should ve submitted to the genera; manager (Pers.&Vig.), Nationally scheduled tribs finance and development corporation, NBCC Tower, 5th floor 15, Bhikaji came to place, new Delhi-110 066. incomplete application will be summarily rejected and applications received after the last date would not be entertained 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for NSTFDC jobs

Important dares for NSTFDC Notification

online application ending date:30 days of publication of the advertising, many in the employment news Hindustan times and Hindu

Important links for NSTFDC Vacancy

Application form,


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