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RIMS Recruitment in Adilabad

RIMS Recruitment in Adilabad Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Civil Assistant Surgeon and assistant 

RIMS Recruitment in Adilabad

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Civil Assistant Surgeon and assistant  professors of various departments or specialists to work in 
RIMS, Adilabvad on a contract basis

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

RIMS jobs and other vacancies through online  mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates vacancies through online mode only 

Get more about RIMS jobs 2022 details given below

Name  of the posts and Numb er of vacancies 

  1.  Assistant Professor (General Medicine)  10 posts 
  2. Assistant professor (General Surgery) 10 posts 
  3. Assistant professor (OBGY) 10 posts 
  4. Assistant Professor (Paediatrics) 10 posts 
  5. Assistant Professor (Orthopaedics) 10 posts 
  6. Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia) 10 posts
  7. Civil Assistant Surgeon 10 posts

  RIMS Recruitment in Adilabad  for  Assistant Professor (General Medicine) 

Name of the post  Assistant Professor (General Medicine) 
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification   MD/MS/DNB in the concerned speciality recognized by MCI/NMC registered with TS medical  counsel 

Assistant professor (General Surgery) job

Name of the post  Assistant professor (General Surgery)
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification   MD/MS/DNB in the concerned speciality recognized by MCI/NMC registered with TS medical  counsel 

Assistant professor (OBGY) job

Name of the post  Assistant professor (OBGY)
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification   MD/MS/DNB in the concerned speciality recognized by MCI/NMC registered with TS medical  counsel 

Assistant Professor (Paediatrics) job

Name of the post  Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification   MD/MS/DNB in the concerned speciality recognized by MCI/NMC registered with TS medical  counsel 

Assistant Professor (Orthopaedics) job

Name of the post  Assistant Professor (Orthopaedics)
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification   MD/MS/DNB in the concerned speciality recognized by MCI/NMC registered with TS medical  counsel 

Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia) job

Name of the post  Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification   MD/MS/DNB in the concerned speciality recognized by MCI/NMC registered with TS medical  counsel 

Civil Assistant Surgeon job

Name of the post  Civil Assistant Surgeon
Number of vacancies  10 posts 
Monthly salary  Consolidated pay of Rs. 1,25,00/- per month for the post of Assistant professors of various specialities and Rs, 52,000/- per month for the post of Civil assistant surgeon 
Upper age limit 

 Minimum 18 years and maximum 44 years The age is reckoned as on 1-7-2021 (Rule 12 (1) (a)(v) of state and subordinate service Rules

The upper age ad relaxation by the government of Telangana will be taken into consideration at the time of selection 

Educational qualification  MBBS duly registered with Telanagana State medical counsel 

How to apply: 

  1. Application forms along with instructions can be downloaded from the official wedsite ( (or) rimsadilabad. in)
  2. Filled in application form along with self-attested copies of the following certificates must e produced at the time of walk-in-interview 

Rule of reservation:

  1. Rule of reservations in respect of community Disability Ex-service Men/women shall be strictly observed ads ordered by the government or Telangana from time to time
  2. The rule of reservations to local candidates is applicable as per the residential order 

Interested and eligible candidates are advised to go through the details notification which is available at the website (or) rimsadilabad. in) and attend the walk interview on 11-April-2022 from 10.00 Am TO 4.00 PM at Rims medical Colledge, Adilabad relevant educational and experience certificates 

How to apply RIMS Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for RIMS jobs 

Selection mode: Walk in interview 

Important dates for RIMS Notification

online application string date: 29 – March -2022

online application ending date: 11 – April – 2022

Important links for RIMS Vacancy

Application form,


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