RRCT Recruitment 2022
Government of India Department of Atomic Energy Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology Government Strives to have a workforce that reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply
online applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill up the following posts in Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) Indore (M.P)
Has recently released a recruitment notification for following
RRCT jobs and other vacancies through online mode only
Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only
Get more about RRCT jobs 2022 details given below
Name of the post and Number of vacancies
- Technician Officer / D 1 post
- Technical Officer – D 1 post
- Nurse /A 1 post
- Sub Officer – B1 1 post
RRCT Recruitment 2022 for Technical Officer /D
Name of the post | Technician Officer / D |
Number of vacancies | 1 post |
Monthly salary | Rs. 67,700/- per month |
Upper age limit | Not exceeding 40 years as the last date of receipt of applications |
Educational qualification |
B.E/B.Tech in mechanical engineering industrial engineering/production engineering /industrial and production engineering with a minimum of 60% marks and a minimum of 4 years cumulative practical relevant experience in production. manufacturing precision machined with multi-axis CNC machines, manufacturing process planning fixture designing CAD.CAM proficiency and other latest manufacturing software proficiency form tool -rooms medium or large scale manufacturing/production industries etc. after obtaining the requisite educational qualification or M.E./ M.tech in manufacturing technology/engineering production technology/computer-aided design and manufacturing engineering technology (After B.E. /B.Tech) with a minimum of 60% marks |
Nurture |
The officer will be mainly involved in the precision manufacturing development of new/advanced/demanding manufacturing requirements of components for present and future RRCAT programs using CAD.CAM and advanced manufacturing software using multi-axis CNC machines the officer shall be engaged in machining /joining fixture design optimization for efficient and precision manufacturing the officer will also be responsible for shop floor planning activities for efficient manufacturing |
Technical Officer – D job
Name of the post | Technical Officer – D |
Number of vacancies | 1 post |
Monthly salary | Rs. 67,700/- per month |
Upper age limit | Not exceeding 40 years as the last date of receipt of applications |
Educational qualification |
B.E /B.Tech. in Electrical engineering with a minimum of 60% marks and 4 years of experience in the installation and/ or maintenance of electrical power distribution systems after obtaining the requisite educational qualification or M.E/M.Tech. in Electrical engineering (After B.E/B.Tech) with a minimum of 60% marks |
Nurture |
Installation and/or maintenance of electrical power distribution system |
Nurse /A job
Name of the post | Nurse /A |
Number of vacancies | 1 post |
Monthly salary | Rs. 44,900/- per month |
Upper age limit | minimum 18 years maximum of 35 years as on the last date of submission of application |
Educational qualification |
XII standard and diploma in nursing and midwifery 3 yeats course + Valid registration as a nurse from central/state nursing council in India or B.Sc Nursing or Nursing A Certificate with 3 years experience in a hospital or Nursing Assistant Class III and above from Armed Forces (Candidates possessing B.Sc Degree in Nursing may be considered for awarding two additional increments (nonabsorbable) at the time of recruitment) |
Nurture |
Sub Officer – B1 job
Name of the post | Sub Officer – B1 |
Number of vacancies | 2 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 35,400/- per month |
Upper age limit |
Minimum 18 years maximum of 40 years as on the last date of submission of application age relaxation equal to the number of years experience in fire fighting field will be granted to the candidates subject to a maximum of five years |
Educational qualification |
HSC (10+2) (Science with Chemistry) or equivalent with 50% marks + Passed sub-officers course from national fire service college plus (+) either (i) or (ii) mentioned below
( Persons having a valid Heavy vehicle driving license will be given preference) |
Nurture |
1. He will work in shifts and hold the charge of the fire control room and be responsible for manning the fire control room in an efficient manner 2. Attending to fire emergencies and special service calls in round-the-clock shifts driving and operate of major fire appliances maintenance of logbook 3. Maintenance and periodic testing of fire appliances first-aid fire-fighting equipment fire communication systems attendance roll occurrence book participation in all parade fire drill practices etc. 4. he will attend all fire and rescue calls He will be responsible to conduct fire drills as per the schedule He will be responsible for the proper maintenance and testing of fire appliances and equipment. He will e responsible for maintaining all related records of the fire control room
General Instructions:
- Educational /Technical qualification should be from a recognized university /Board pf technical education of central or state government
- In case the university board awards letter grades/CGPA /OGPA the same will have to be indicated as an equivalent percentage of marks as per the norms adopted by that university /board in the absence of the same the candidature will not be considered
- Age relaation to (1) PWD candidates (2) ?Ex-servicemen, (3) departmental candidates (central government civilian employees) (4) family members of those who died in the 1984 riots (5) persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the state of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 (6) widows divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands snd who are not re-married will be as per extant government orders
- only the date of birth indicated in the matriculation certificate municipal birth certificate will be accepted no subsequent request for change shall be entertained
- Before applying the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement, the candidates are required to give correct information the applicants would be admitted to the written test on the basis of information furnished by them in their application form. in case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by the applicant is false and/or he/she does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be canceled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained
- The filling up of vacancy indicated in the advertisement is subject to the approval of competent authority and may not be filled up if decided otherwise in terms of the orders issued by the government from time to time
- The eligibility criteria including a period of experience as prescribed in the advertisement will be determined with reference to the last date of submission of the application.
- RRCAT Indore reserves the right to fill up the post or even to cancel/restrict/modify/after the whole process of recruitment without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason, therefore.
- Candidates selected against this advertisement are likely to be posted at Indore but they are liable to serve in any of the constituent units of the department of atomic energy in India
- Candidates with have not acquired/will not acquire the required educational qualification/technical qualification/experience as of the Closing date of substorm of application will not be eligible any need not apply
- Written test/ Trade test /interview will be conducted at RRCAT Indore (MP) only
- The selected candidates will be governed by the national pension system which has come into force with effect from 1.01.2004 vide notification No 5/7/2003 -ECB and PR dated 22.12.2003 of the ministry of finance
- Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS category should clearly indicate the same in the application (even when applying for UR vacancy) and should furnish proof not the same in the specified format at the time of written test/skill test /interview( as applicable) failing which they will be treated as unreserved (UR) and subsequent representations for change of community status will not ve entertained
- OBC candidate’s caste certificate should be issued by an authorized authority in the prescribed central government format with a non-creamy later certificate and the caste/community should have been included in the central lists of other backward castes the crucial date for determining the OBC non-creamy layer certificate will be the closing date of on-line application
How to apply:
- Only online applications will be entertained
- The last date for applying online application is 17/5/2022
- Candidates are required to have a valid e-mail ID and a mobile number which should remain active during the currency of this recruitment call letter for written test/interview /trade test/(as the case may be) the screened-in candidates will be sent on registered e-mail ID only
- The user guide is available on the wed-site duly explaining the procedure to apply and plod recent application
- RRCAT is not responsible for any discrepancy in submitting details online the applicants ate his/her eligibility to apply for the post. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank
- Only one application should be submitted for one post. if a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post separate application should be submitted for each post
- Issuance of an admit card for the written test/Trade test/interview will not condor any right for appointment will be solely subject to the fulfillment of all eligibility conditions
- Applicant must possess required educational qualification and experience as of the last date of submission of application
- Candidates are advised to submit the online application well in advance without waiting for the closing date
How to apply for RRCAT Recruitment
Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for RRCAT jobs
Selection mode:
Important dates for RRCAT Notification
online application ending date: 17 – May -2022
Important links for RRCAT Vacancy