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Staff Nurse Jobs 2022

Staff Nurse Jobs 2022 As per  the orders of the commissioner Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Hyderabad and the collector and

Staff Nurse Jobs 2022

As per  the orders of the commissioner Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Hyderabad and the collector and district magistrate Bhadradir Kothagudem district applications are invited through offline mode from the eligible and interested candidates for 9 staff nurse posts on an outsourcing basis in all TVVP., hospital of Bhadradri Kothaagudem district for a period up to 

Has recently released a recruitment  notification for following

Staff Nurse jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode  only

Get more about Staff  Nurse jobs 2022 details  given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Staff  Nurse job 9 posts

Staff Nurse Jobs 2022 for Staff Nurse 

Name of the posts  Staff Nurse 
Number of vacancies  9 posts
Monthly salary Rs. 22,750/ per month
Upper age limit  44 years 
Educational Qualification GNM or B.Sc  Nursing with valid  registration from Telangana state nursing council

How to apply:

  1. The candidates should apply through only candidates should apply for the posts in the prescribed application format enclosed in the notification only applications submitted other than the prescribed format will not be accepted all the columns in the application form must be filled
  2. The candidates should submit all necessary relevant certificates (Please refer to check list0 with proper attestation or self-attestation along with the application received without proper attestation or self-attestation will be rejected
  3. The  carbon copies of certificates submitted along with the application should be clear and readable else will be rejected
  4. The carbon copies of the certificate submitted along with the application are in serial as per the checklist enclosed with the application and are serially numbered
  5. The applicant can send their filled-in application forms with all relevant enclosures either by registered post with acknowledgment due or in person 

How to apply for Staff  Nurse Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Staff Nurse jobs

Important dates for Staff Nurse Notification

online application starting date: 5 – November -2022

online application ending date: 16 – November -2022

Important links for Staff Nurse Vacancy

Application form,


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