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Staff Nurse Vacancy in Nashik 2022

Staff Nurse Vacancy in Nashik 2022 job for Medical officer (MBBS) / MPW (Male) / Staff Nurse (Female) / Staff Nurse (Male)

Staff Nurse Vacancy in Nashik 2022

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

Staff Nurse jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Staff Nurse jobs 2022 details given below 

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Medical officer (MBBS)  job 26 posts
  2. MPW (Male) job 26 posts
  3. Staff Nurse (Female) job 24 posts
  4. Staff Nurse (Male) job 2 posts
  5. Lab Technician job 20 posts 

Staff Nurse Vacancy in Nashik 2022 for Medical officer (MBBS)

Name of the post  Medical officer (MBBS) 
Number of vacancies  26 posts
Monthly salary  Rs.60,000/- per month
Educational qualification  MBBS 

MPW (Male) job 

Name of the post  MPW (Male) 
Number of vacancies  26 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 26,000/- per month
Educational qualification  12th pass in Science+ Paramedical basic training course or sanitary inspector course

Staff Nurse (Female) job 

Name of the post  Staff Nurse (Female)
Number of vacancies  24 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 20,000/- per month
Educational qualification  GNM/B.Sc Nursing 

Staff Nurse (Male) job 

Name of the post  Staff Nurse (Male) 
Number of vacancies  2 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 20,000/- per month
Educational qualification  GNM/B.Sc Nursing 

Lab Technician job 

Name of the post  Lab Technician
Number of vacancies  20 posts 
Monthly salary  Rs. 20,000/- per month
Educational qualification  12th Diploma (DMLT)+ 1 years experience

How to apply for Staff Nurse Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

Selection Process for Staff Nurse jobs

Important links for Staff Nurse Vacancy

Application form,


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