Supreme Court Recruitment 2024

Supreme Court Recruitment 2024 Online applications are invited for "Scheme of Engineering Law Clerk cum Research Associates

Supreme Court Recruitment 2024

 Online applications are invited for “Scheme of Engineering Law Clerk cum Research Associates on Short Term Contractual Assignment in The Supreme Court of India January 2024 for the preparation of  a panel of approximately 90 candidates for engagement a Law Clerk cum research Associates in the Supreme Court of India purely on contractual assignment initially on a consolidated remuneration

The selection will be made subject to fulfillment of the following essential qualification and other eligibility conditions it is made clear that the engagement as Law Cleark cum research associate is a full-time assignment purely contractual in nature it will not confer any right on the selected candidates to claim regular appointment continuance in service in the supreme court of India further such engagement  may be terminated by the registry at any point of time with prescribed notice A law clerk will not accept any other assignment during their assignment terms as Law Clerk they shall not practice see as an advocate in any Court of law during their assignment term as Law Clerks

Has recently released a recruitment notification for the following

Supreme Court jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Supreme Court jobs 2024 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Law Clerk Cum Research Associate job 1 post

Supreme Court Recruitment 2024 for Law Clerk Cum Research Associate

Name of the postLaw Clerk Cum Research Associate
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 80,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 20 to 32 years
Educational Qualification

1. The candidates must be a law graduate (before taking up the assignment as law Clerk) having a bachelor’s degree in law (including integrated degree courses in law_) from any school/ college/university/ institution established by law in India and recognized by the bar council of India r enrolment as an advocated

2. The candles studying in the fifth year of the five years integrated law course or the third year of three year law course after graduation in any stream will also be eligible to apply subject to finding proof of acquiring law qualification before taking up the assignment as law clerk cum research associate

3. The candidates must have research and analytical skills writing abilities and knowledge of computers including retrieval of desired information from various search engines

General Instructions:

  1. The applicants would be admitted to the written tests on the basis of the information     furnished by them in their applicant ion form they are therefore advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying if any candidate is found to have given false information  or does not fulfill any  of the eligibility conditions the candidate such applicant would be canceled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained
  2. Issuance of Admit card for the examination will not confer any right for selection
  3. The candidates should scan his/her signature and photograph having 5 cm height
  4. The candidates should fill up the required data in the application and make online fee payment in accordance with the instructions displayed on the link provided for the purpose
  5. On submitting the application online a candidate will get a preview of the application with the application number other candidates are advised to get a printout of the filled-up application for their record
  6. The candidates should retain his/her application number carefully for the generation of admit card/ call letter and for any other information regarding written test interviews etc.,
  7. Applications that do not comply with the instructions shall be summarily rejected
  8. All rights regarding the contractual engagement of law are resolved with the commented authority Supreme Court of India New Delhi
  9. Final Engagement will be subject to the candidates fulfilling the eligible conditions verification of their academic certificates and other reused formalities
  10. The registry reserves the right to cancel /restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the selection process if needed without issuing any notice
  11. The candidates should bear in mind while applying for contractual assignments that they will be required to work even at odd horse and on holidays in exigency of work
  12. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for appearing in the written test

How to apply for Supreme Court Recruitment

Application mode: Intersted candidates can apply through online mode only

Selection process for Supreme Court jobs

Important dates for Supreme court Notification

online application starting date: 24 – January – 2024

online application ending date: 15 – February – 2024

Important links for Supreme Court Vacancy

Application form,


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