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TMC Nursing Recruitment 2022 for GNM B Sc Nursing

TMC Nursing Recruitment 2022 for GNM B Sc NursingThe Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a comprehensive cancer center

TMC Nursing Recruitment 2022 for GNM B Sc Nursing

The Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a comprehensive cancer center with a mission to achieve the highest standards in patient care, cancer prevention, cancer research, and professional development for oncology and allied disciplines. 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following

TMC Nursing jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more TMC Nursing jobs 2022 details of name of the post, number of vacancies,  educational qualifications, desirable qualifications, monthly salary, upper age limit, place of w0rk, how to apply, selection process, details given below

TMC Nursing Recruitment 2022 for GNHM B Sc Nursing jobs  

Name of the post Nurse   -A
Number of vacancies  90 posts
Monthly salary Rs. (9300-34800)
Upper age limit 30 years
Educational qualifications

General Nursing plus Diploma in Oncology / B Sc (Nursing)

 Nursing ‘B’ job

Name of the post Nurse ‘B’
Number of vacancies 30 posts
Monthly salary


s. (9300-34800)

Upper age limit 35 years
Educational qualifications General Nursing plus a diploma in oncology B.Sc.(Nursing)

Nursing ‘C’ job

Name of the post Nurse ‘C’
Number of vacancies 55 posts
Monthly salary Rs (9300-34800)
Upper age limit 40 years
Educational qualifications General Nursing plus a Diploma in oncology B.Sc. (Nursing)

 How to apply TMC Recruitment

Application Mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

the selection process for TMC jobs

Selection Mode: Written examination / skill test

Important dates for TMC Notifications

Online application starting date: 17-December-2021

online application ending date: 08-January-2022

Important links  for TMC vacancy

Application form,


Click to access TMC-Nursing-Recruitment-2022.pdf

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