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TSKGBV Teaching Jobs 2023

TSKGBV Teaching Jobs 2023 Application are invited online   from qualified candidates for filling up of  vacancies of special officers

TSKGBV Teaching Jobs 2023

Applications are invited online   from qualified candidates for filling up vacancies of special officers (SOs,) post graduate contact resident teachers (PGCRTs) contract resident teachers (CRTs) Physical Education Teachers (PETs) 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

TSKGBV Teaching jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about TSKGBV jobs 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1. PGCRT in Telugu 
  2. PGCRT in English job
  3. PGCRT in Mathematisc job
  4. PGCRT in Economics job
  5. PGCRT in Commerce job 
  6. PGCRT in Civics job
  7. PGCRT in Physics job
  8. PGCRT in Chemistry job
  9. PGCRT in Botany job
  10. PGCRT Zoology job
  11. PGCRT in Urdu job 
  12. PGCRT in Nursing job
  13. Special officer job 
  14. CRT Mathematics job
  15. CRT Physical Science job
  16. CRT Biological Science job
  17. CRT Social job 
  18. CRT Telugu job
  19. CRT Hindi job
  20. CRT Urdu job
  21. CRT English job
  22. PET job

TSKGBV Teaching Jobs 2023 for CRT Biological Science

Name of the post Teaching Staff
Educational Qualification A postgraduate degree in the subject concerned or it’s equivalent with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a university recognized by the UGC
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or B.A. B.Ed / B.Sc B.Ed from any institution recognized by NICE or B.Ed. Special education from any institution recognized by RCI with the subject concerned as a Methodology

How to apply TSKGBV Teaching Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for TSKGBV Teaching jobs

Important dates for TSKGBV Teaching Notification

online application stating date: 26 – June – 2023

online application ending date: 5 – July – 2023 

Important links for TSKGBV Teaching Vacancy

Application form,


Govt Jobs in Medchal 2023

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