TSPSC Recruitment 2022
Assistant motor vehicle inspectors in the transport department (general recruitment)
Applications are invited online from qualified candidates through the proforma application t be made able on the commission website for the posts of assistant motor vehicle inspectors in the transport department in the state of Telangana
Has recently released a recruitment notification for following
TSPSC jobs and other vacancies through online mode only
Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only
Get more about TSPSC jobs 2022 details given below
Name of the posts and Number of vacancies
- Assistant motor vehicle inspectors job 113 posts
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 for Assistant motor vehicle inspectors
Name of the post | Assistant motor vehicle inspectors |
Number of vacancies | 113 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. 45,960 – 1,24,150/- per month |
Upper age limit | 21 to 39 years |
1. Must hold a degree in mechanical engineering or automobile engineering or equivalent qualification of a university in India established or incorporated by or under a central act or a provincial act or a state act or institution recognized by the university grants commission (UGC) or Must hold a diploma in automobile engineering (3 years course) awarded y any institution recognized by the central government or state government approved by the AICTE, New Delhi 2. Must hold a valid driving license authorized to drive heavy motor vehicles (transport vehicles) |
General provisions:
- The applications received online in the prescribed proforma within the time should only be considered
- Applicant must upload his/her scanned recent passport size photo and signature in jpeg format
- The applicant should not furnish any particulars that are false tampered fabricated or suppress any material information while submitting an online application
- All the essential certificates issued by the competent authority of Telangana state shall be kept with the applicants at the time of submitting the application
- The required original certificate should be submitted at the time of verification of certificated or whenever called failure to produce the required certificates will lead to disqualification
Important: the claim of the applicants with regard to the date of birth, educational qualifications, community, etc., are accepted provisionally on the information furnished by them in their application form and is subject to certification and satisfaction of the commission mere admission to any test or inclusion of the name of an applicant in a merit list will not confer on the applicant any right for an appointment the candidature is therefore provisional at all stages and the Commission reserves the right to reject candidature at any stage of the selection even after the declaration of results if any mistake/wrong information is noticed at a later date
The applicants should be willing to serve anywhere in Telangana state
Centers for the written examination:
The written examination (objective type) will be held at Hyderabad (including HMDA jurisdiction) only or as decided by the commission
The procedure of selection:
- the pattern of examination will be as per G.O. Ms. No. 55 general admission (ser.A) department
- The selection of candidates for appointment to the posts will be made by written examination (objective type) by CBRT/OMR based and the selection for the posts will be based on marks secured in the written examination
- Those candidates who qualify in the written examination in orders of merit will be called for verification of certification community and category wise for the vacancies available s required the qualifying marks for selection of the candidates belonging
- In the event of SC and ST candidates not coming up for selection with the minimum marks prescribed above for selection their selection shall be considered on the basis of marks with reference to their performance in the written examination irrespective of the marks secured
- The appearance in all the paper/papers at the written examination is the compulsory absence in any of the paper/papers will automatically render his/her candidature for disqualification
- Candidates have to produce original documents and other particulars on the day of verification itself if candidates fail to produce any of the required certificates and if the particulars furnished by him/her in the application do not tally with the original document produced by him/her then his/her candidature will be rejected/disqualified without any further correspondence those candidates who are called for verification of certificates should furnish their order of preference of zones by exercising web-options and summit at the time of verification of certificates which are final failing which his/her candidature shall not be considered for further selection process the selections will be confined only to the web options exercised by the candidates under no circumstance he/she will be wondered for the posts /places where preference was not indicated
- The candidates will be selected and allotted to the department as per their merit and order of preference (web options) against the vacancies available
- The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical examination and if he/she is of sound health and active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity
How to apply for TSPSC Recruitment
Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for the Food safety officer job
Important dates for TSPSC Notification
online application starting date: 5- August – 2022
online application ending date: 5- September – 2022
Important links for TSPSC Vacancy