APEDA Recruitment In Delhi 2023

APEDA Recruitment In Delhi 2023 APEDA is a Statutory body under the ministry of commerce and industry govt. of India is the apex

APEDA Recruitment In Delhi 2023

APEDA is a Statutory body under the ministry of commerce and industry govt. of India is the apex organization engaged in the correlated to the development of export trade of agricultural products and processed food from India

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following

APEDA jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about APEDA jobs 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Assistant General Manager job 11 posts

APEDA Recruitment In Delhi 2023 for Assistant General Manager

Name of the postAssistant General Manager
Number of vacancies 11 posts
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 10 per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational Qualification

1. Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Horticulture/Veterinary

/ food processing /Fpreogm trade. Plantation/management degree in the above fields Agriculture Management from a recognized university/institution

2. Five years experience in the above fields post acquiring the above educational qualification

Desirable qualification:

Master’s degree/Doctorate in the above specialization from the publication of papers in international journals in the above fields 

Selection process:

  1. The candidates are provisional at  every stage of the selection process mere submission of applications or selection to the post will not confer any right on the candidate’s application for appointment to the post the candidate is required to fulfill all the qualifications as prescribed and the criteria as mentioned above in case of her/his selection to the post wrong declaration submission of false information or any other action contrary to law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage 
  2. No interim correspondence will be entertained
  3. Those candidates who are employed in Govt. / Semi Govt/ autonomous bodies etc. should upload no objection certificate in the online portal
  4. The age of the applicant for the post will  be calculated with reference to the closing date for receipt of the applications 
  5. Candidates who seek age relaxation and or exemption from fee payment women candidates for fee payment 
  6. The procedure and process for recruitment shall be governed by per the agricultural and processed food products exports development authority 
  7. Success in the written test confers no right of appointment unless the competent authority in APEDA is satisfied after such inquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service post
  8. Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in India 

How to apply for APEDA Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

Seleciton prcoess for APEDA jobs

Important dates for APEDA Notification

online application starting date: 18 – February – 2023 

online application ending date: 20 – March – 2023

Important links for APEDA Vacancy

Application form,



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