BEL Recruitment 2022

BEL Recruitment 2022 Bharata Electronic KLimited an NBavcratna Company and Indias premier professional Company seeks applications

BEL Recruitment 2022

Bharata Electronic Limited a Navratna Company and India premier professional electronics Company seeks applications for is Ghaziabad unit/Pan India project sites, from promising and energetic engineers

Trainee Engineer: I Two tear Tenure which may be extended up to a maximum of one year (maximum tenure of 3 years subject to project requirement) for its SCCS SBUs/BEL -Ghaibad for consolidated remuneration of Rs. 30,000/- per month (for 1st year) Rs. 35,00/- per month (for IInd years) and Rs. 40,000/- per month (for IIIrd year)

Project engineer: I three years which may extend up to a maximum of one year (maximum tenure of 4 years subject to project requirement) for its SCCS SBUs.BEL – Ghaziabad for a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 40,000/- per month (for Ist yerar) Rs. 45,000/- per month (for IInd year) Rs. 50,000/- per month (for IIIrd yeast) and Rs. 55,000/- per month (for the year) 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

BEL jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Wh are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about BEL jobs 2022 details given below 

BEL Recruitment 2022 for  ECE / Electronics  & Communication / Elctronics / Telecommincation

Name of the post ECE / Electronics  & Communication / Elctronics / Telecommincation
Number of vacancies 11 posts 
Educational qualification 

B.E / b.Tech/ B.Sc Engineering from AICTE approved college /institute or a recognized university the following  discipline p\only are eligible

Electronics  & Communication / Electronics / Telecommunication Engineering 


project execution  & warrant support product assurance/support activities for various centers and sites for installation & commissioning 

Expertise in analyzing & debugging analog, digital & micro -cor\troller based circuits basic understanding of electronic components & programming of devices such as PAK, PROMS, EEPROMS, etc.

Mechanical Engineering job

Name of the post Mechanical Engineering
Number of vacancies 2 posts 
Educational qualification Mechanical Engineering 
ExperienceRelevant experience in Design (incl. preparation of drawings) or manufacturing /production-related activities i.e. project management/production planning and control.Fabrication and machining of parts or assemblies .prcurement /quality control, /maintenance, etc. experience in the use of SAP.ERP and computer in software (auto CAD. MS project, Ms office) is desirable

Project Engineer – SCCS j

ECE Electronics  & Communication / Elctronics / Telecommincation job

Name of the post ECE / Electronics  & Communication / Elctronics / Telecommincation
Number of vacancies 6 posts 
Educational qualification 

 B.E / b.Tech/ B.Sc Engineering from AICTE approved college /institute or a recognized university the following  discipline p\only are eligible  

Electronics  & Communication / Electronics / Telecommunication engineering 


project execution  & warrant support product assurance/support activities for various centers and sites for installation & commissioning 

Expertise in analyzing & debugging analog, digital & micro -cor\troller based circuits basic understanding of electronic components & programming of devices such as PAK, PROMS, EEPROMS, etc.

Computer Science job

Name of the post Computer Science
Number of vacancies 6 posts 
Educational qualificationComputer Sciecne and Engeering 

Experience in C++, Jawa, algorithm development, SW Documentation, SW testing python, GUI Architecture & UI application development, Had -on the exercise of resting tools, unit testing white box testing and black box testing manual testing and automated testing knowledge in CASE tools experience on Linux system & System require, NY documentation will be preferable

Knowledge of networking, Satellite communication products, cellular networks including LTE, C band/Ku-band / Ka-band, RF products, Basi domain knowledge of Datacenter architecture, Database application servers, clustering m cloud computing, IT security infrastructure, etc.

Age limit:  OBC candidates 3 years in addition to the upper age limit mentioned above 

SC/ST candidates 5 years in addition to the upper  age limit mentioned above 

PWBND candidates having 40% disability or more 10 years in addition to the upper age limit mentioned above 

ST candidates applying for Trainee engineer – the post will be considered at par with UR criteria 


 Project Engineer: IO Consolidated remuneration of Rs. 40,000/- per month will be paid ( for Ist year) and as indicated above for subsequent years 

Trainee Engineer: Consolidated remuneration of Rs. 40,000/- per month will be paid (for 1st year) and as indicated above for subsequent years 

Trainee engineer: 

Who have completed the overall tenure i.e. 3 years with BEL and those who apply and get selected for the post of project engineer will be directly inducted ad project engineer- II and the overall tenure such cases will be limited to 3 years only

In addition to the above for trainee engineer – I /Project Engeeri-I a consolidates amn\miount of Rs, 12,000/- per tears will be paid toward expenses like medical insurance premium attire allowance, stitching charges footwear allowance, etc. the additional amount shall be paid in two installments i.e. fist installment will be processed in the first month’s salary after joining and the second installment will be paid after com[etion of 6 months from the date of joining 

General Conditions: 

  • Candidates implied in Gvot./Qasi- gov and public sector undertaking will ve required to upload no objection certificate while mentioning the expertise details at the time of filling the job application 
  • The appointment of the selected candidates will be subject to being found medically fit by the company’s medical authorities 
  • There will be no separate communication to any candidates on their non-selection at any stage 
  • Candidates whose degree certificate does not tally with the branch mentioned in the application /advertisement will not be considered for interviews 
  • BEL reserves the right to debar you at any stage of the written test /interview proceedings if your candidate is not considered suitable for any reason 
  • Candidates who are under to produce their engineering degree marks card and certificate in original on the day interview reason will not e considered canvassing in any form will result in disqualification 
  • The admission at all stages of the selection process will be a purely provisional mere issue of admit card/interview call letter to the candidates will not imply that  his/her candidature has been cleared by BEL

How to apply BEL Recruitment 

  • candidates are required to enter all information correctly in the online application form and verify the same before submission ads changer shall not be permitted after submission of the application form

Special Note: 

In case you require any clarifications regarding the advertisements many please send an e-mail to pleases not that no other form of communication will be entertained including telephone calls, conventional mail, fax, etc.

Bharat Electronics is an equal opportunity employer with welcomes applications from qualified professionals no discrimination is made on the bases of gender, creed, and culture 

Bhara electronics reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this announcement 

Application mode: Interested candidates  can apply through online mode only 

Selection Process for BEL jobs

Selection mode: Interview

Important Dates for BEL Notification 

online application starting date: 9 – March – 2022

online application ending date:23 – March -2022

Important Links for BEL Vacancy 

Application form,



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