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Blood Transfusion Facts Risks Procedures Side Effects

Blood Transfusion

Blood Transfusion Facts Risks Procedures Side Effects

Definition of Blood transfusion

Blood transfusion is an infusion of one person’s blood or  Blood Components (Donor) to another person (Receiver)  through blood Vessels i,e. who are needed Blood and Blood components,


Purpose of Blood Transfusion

1) To increase the oxygen carrying capacity in Anemia Conditions in suitable cases.

2) During the major surgery when much blood loss my be possible.

3) To maintain blood pressure and blood volume during hemorrhagic Condition.

4) To replace blood platelets and clotting factors in hemophilia.

5) To provide anti-bodies and leukocytes in severely ill patients.

6) Burns and Scalds,

7) Accidents and Trauma,

8) Abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Blood Donor

Donor is a person who gives the blood.

Who can Donate Blood

Donor should  be an adult between 17 to 45 years old age with 50 kg of weight at least and Hb not below 12.5 gms

Contra Indication of a Donor

Recipient is the person who receives blood.

The standard blood transfusion fluid provides

Types of Blood Groups

Blood must be matched by testing blood groups. Blood  Transfusion carried a bog risk without being tested for capability with the blood of a person receiving the blood (recipient) Each person has antibodies in to the blood, which reacts with foreign body proteins in the blood cells of another person causing agglutination or clumping of the red blood cells.

Types of Blood Groups (ABO system)

Those are 4 types





Group’A’. Has A antigen in the red cells and anti ‘B’ bodies in the plasma.

Group “B” Has B antigen in the red cells and anti “A’ Bodies in the plasma.

Group”AB” Has both A& B antigens in red cells but the plasma contains neither anti A or anti B bodies.

Group”O” Has  no A or  B Antigen in the red cells but has both anti “A: and anti “B” bodies in the Plasma.

Group “A” & “O” commonly found in European countries.

Rhesus Blood Group System

The Rhesus or RH Group was given this name as it was found that the same system of antibodies was present in the blood of the rhesus monkey .

These are two types:

Rhesus Positive or Rh+ve (D+ve)

Rhesus Negative or RH-ve (D-ve)

About 85% of Population is Rh+ve group and and about 15% of population os Rh –Ve group.

Transfusion of Rh +ve blood to a Rh negative individual can be dangerous,

since the Rh Negative blood cell produce antibodies to destroy the transfused cells.

The effect of a first transfusion may be effective slightly, but the individual become sensitive to

the Rhesus D factor and further transfusion with Rh positive blood may produce a serious reaction .

Transfusion of ABO Group Blood

Group”A” receive from “A” Group and “O” group

Group”B” Receive from “B” Group And “O” Group

Group “AB ‘ (Universal recipient ): Receive from “A” “B” “AB” or “O” Group

Group “O” (Universal donor ): Receive from only Group “O”

General  Instructions for Blood Transfusion

Equipments needed for Blood Transfusion
Procedure for Blood Transfusion

Precaution for Blood Transfusion

Stop Blood if patient gets rigor.

Note: Donor’s blood must be tested for syphilis, malaria and AIDS. Before giving the blood, it must be grouped carefully to make sure that it will not cause clothing with recipient’s blood. It must matcj,

Do not warm the blood before using it as it raises the temperature of the blood and encourage the growth of bacteria.

Do not wash the bottle for several hours after blood has been given, in case it is necessary to recheck blood type.

If any complications of Blood Transfusion

Stop Blood Transfusion,
Replace IV Set (IV Tubing),
Inform Blood Bank,

Risks and Complications of Blood transfusion

1) Raised Pulse.

2) Difficult Breathing.

) Oedema.

4) Cough.

5) Cardiac and respiratory distress.

All the above signs should be carefully watched for and reported immediately.

6) Renal Failure

7) Pyrenial reaction

8) Thrombosis.

9) Hematoma

10) Sepsis.

11) Air embolism

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