CSIR NGRI Recruitment 2021
The CSIR National Geophysical Research Institute (CSIR – NGRI) Hyderabad is a premier R&D Institute under the council of Scientific and industrial research (CSTR) involved in multidisciplinary R&D programs of both basic and applied nature across Geoscientific disciplines for economic environmental and societal benefits for the people of India.
Has recently released a recruitment notification for following
CSIR – NGRI jobs and other vacancies through online mode only
Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only
Get more about CSIR – NGRI jobs 2021 details of name of the post, number, number of vacancies, monthly salary, upper age limit, educational qualification, desirable qualification, how to apply, selection process, details given below
CSIR NGRI Recruitment 2021 jobs Scientist
Name of the posts | Scientist |
Number of vacancies | 4 posts |
upper age limit | 35 years |
Educational qualifications | Ph.D. ( Submitted / Awards) |
Seismic / Seismology
Name of the post | Scientist |
Number of vacancies | 4 posts |
Upper age limit | 32 years |
Educational qualifications | PhD |
Gravity / Magnetic / GPS / Heat flow
Name of the post | Scientist |
Number of vacancies | 4 posts |
Upper age limit | 32 years |
Educational qualification | PhD |
Modeling of solid Earth-process
Name of the post | Scientist |
Number of vacancies | 1 post |
Upper age limit | 32 years |
Educational qualification | PhD |
Geochemistry / Geochronology /Isotoge/Structural Geology/ Active Tectonic Studies / Paleomagnetism/ Rock Mechanics
Name of the post | Scientist |
Number of vacancies | 4 posts |
Monthly salary | Rs. |
Educationalqualfications | PhD |
How to apply CSIR – NGRI Recruitment
Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only
The selection process for CSIR – NGRI jobs
Selection mode:
Important dates for CSIR – NGRI Notifications
online application starting date: 7 – December -2021
online application ending date: 7 – January – 2021
Important links for CSIR – NGRI vacancy
Click to access CSIR-NGRI-Recruitment-in-Telangana-govt-Jobs-2022.pdf