FACT Recruitment 2023

FACT Recruitment 2023 The Ferprtileister and Chemicals Travancore Ltd a multi-divisional central PSE and pioneer in the manufacture

FACT Recruitment 2023

The Fertiliser and Chemicals Travancore Ltd a multi-divisional central PSE and pioneer in the manufacture and marketing of fertilizer chemicals and caprolactam with activities spread ver manufacturing engineering design and consultancy fabrication etc., invites applications from eligible candidates for recruitment to the following posts

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following

FACT jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only Get more aboutFACT Recruitment 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1. Senior Manager (Civil) job 2 posts
  2. Senior Manager (Human resources and administration) job 1 post
  3. Officer (Sales) job 4 posts
  4. Management trainees (Chemical) job 7 posts
  5. Management trainee (Electrical) job 2 posts
  6. Management Trainees (Instrumentation) job 1 post
  7. Management Trainees (Marketing) job 3 posts
  8. Management Trainees (Finance) job 2 posts
  9. Technician (Process) job 7 posts
  10. Sanitary Inspector job 2 posts
  11. Craftsman (Fitter Cum Mechanic) job 2 posts
  12. Craftsman  (Electrical) job 4 posts
  13. Craftsman (Instrumentation) job 3 posts
  14. Rigger Assistant job 2 posts

FACT Recruitment 2023 for Senior Manager (Human Resources and Administration)

Name of the postSenior Manager (Civil) 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 70000 – 200000/- per month
Upper age limit45 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s degree in civil engineering with a minimum of 9 years of executive experience in a construction/maintenance department in a large fertilizer /chemical /petrochemical plant or large civil engineering construction forms of which the last 3 wars shall be if the executive 

Senior Manager (Human Resources and Administration) job

Name of the postSenior Manager (Human Resources and Administration) 
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 70000 – 200000/- per month
Upper age limit45 years
Educational QualificationTwo years post-graduate degree in HR or personnel management or industrial relations or labour welfare or social work HR management or  business administration or two ears post-graduate diploma in HER or personnel management or industrial relations or labour welfare or social work or business administration

FACT Recruitment for Officer Sales job

Name of the postOfficer Sales 
Number of vacancies4 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 30000 – 120000/- per month
Upper age limit26 years
Educational QualificationB.Sc Degree in Agriculture with 60%  marks

Management Trainee Chemical job

Name of the postManagement Trainee Chemical 
Number of vacancies7 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 50000 – 160000/- per month
Upper age limit26 years
Educational Qualification Bachelor’s degree in engineering in chemical engineering or petrochemical engineering or chemical technology or petrochemical technology with 60% marks

FACT Recruitment for Management Trainee Electrical job

Name of the postManagement Trainee Electrical
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 50000 – 160000/- per month
Upper age limit26 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s degree in engineering in electrical or electrical and electronics or electrical and instrumentation with 60% marks e

Management Trainee (Instrumentation) job

Name of the postManagement Trainee (Instrumentation) 
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 50000 – 160000/- per month
Upper age limit26 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s degree in engineering in instrumentation or instrumentation and control or electronics and instrumentation or electrical instrumentation with 60% marks 

FACT Recruitment for Management Trainee (Marketing) job

Name of the postManagement Trainee (Marketing) 
Number of vacancies3 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 50000 – 160000/- per month
Upper age limit26 years
Educational Qualification Two years post-graduate degree in management with specialization or elective in marking management Agribusiness management with 60% marks
Two years post-graduate diploma in management with specialization or elective in marketing management / Agribusiness management with 60% marks

Management trainee (Finance) job at FACT Recruitment

Name of the postManagement trainee (Finance) 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 50000 – 160000/- per month
Upper age limit26 years
Educational QualificationPass in the final examination chartered Accountant CA  from the Institute of chartered accountants of India or Cost and Management Accountant CMA/ICWAI from the Institute of Cost and management accountants of India

Technician Process job

Name of the postTechnician Process 
Number of vacancies7 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 23350 – 115000/- per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational QualificationB.Sc degree in chemistry/industrial chemistry or diploma in engineering chemical engineering /chemical technology/ including petrochemical technology) and 2 years of experience in the operation of large fertilizer/chemical/petrochemical plants

Sanitary Inspector job

Name of the postSanitary Inspector 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 21650 – 76000/- per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational QualificationStd. X passed with a Diploma in sanitary inspector course from a recognized institution and 5 years of experience in sanitary administration of industrial establishments/hospitals/government bodies

Craftsman Fitter cum Mechanic job

Name of the postCraftsman Fitter cum Mechanic 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 21650 – 76000/- per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational QualificationStd. X pass with a national trade certificate in the trade of fitter/ mechanic with 2 years experience in the trade in a large fertilizer/chemical/petrochemical plants or large establishment in the engineering industry 

Craftsman Electrical job

Name of the postCraftsman Electrical
Number of vacancies4 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 21650 – 76000/- per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational QualificationStd X pass with national trade c certificate in the trade of electrician with wireman licence and 3\2  years experience as an electrician in a large fertiliser/chemical/ petrochemical plants / electrical power generation plant/electrical power distribution company or large establishment in the engineering industry

Craftsman Instrumentation job

Name of the postCraftsman Instrumentation 
Number of vacancies3 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 21650 – 76000 /- per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational QualificationStd. X pass with a Nationals trade certificate in the trade of instrumentation with 2 years experience as a craftsman/instrumentation in a large fertiliser/chemical/petrochemical plant or large establishment in the engineering industry 

Rigger Assistant job

Name of the postRigger Assistant 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 19,500 – 61000/- per month
Upper age limit35 years
Educational QualificationStd. X pass with 5 years experience in materials handling rigging jobs and other works related to plant equipment/maintenance in large fertilizer/chemical/petrochemical plants or large fertiliser /chemical  petrochemical plants or large establishments in the engineering industry 

Other Terms and Conditions and General Instructions:

  1. Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply
  2. A Candidate shall apply only for any one of the posts notified as above if candidates apply for more than one post i.e. in case of multiple applications the last applications shall be considered as final and all other applications made prior to the last one
  3. Candidates should possess a valid e-mail id candidates are advised to keep the e-mail id active for at least three years no change in the e-mail id given in the online application will be allowed once the application is submitted online all further correspondence with candidates if any shall be done through the email id given in the online application
  4. Once the online application is submitted requests for a change of address /e-mail id / mobile number to cater to discipline post/examination centre etc. will not be entertained
  5. FACT will not bear any liability on accounts for salary leave salary pension contribution etc. if any of the previous employment of any candidates already working in central government /state government
  6. In the online applications, candidates have to necessarily declare and provide details in case he/she has been arrested procedure kept under detention or fined FIR Filed in any police station 
  7. The validity period of the panel notified pursuant to this notification should be up to one year from the date of publication of the panels or an extended validity period if ay subject to a maximum of two years
  8. The company reserves the right to fill or not to fill all or any of the above positions to cancel restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment process if the need so arises without assigning any reason whatsoever the number of vacancies mentioned above may increase or decrease depending 
  9. The company will not undertake detailed scrutiny of online applications for eligibility and other aspects at the time of test /interview /skill / practical test and therefore the candidature will be provisional at all times during the selection process
  10. The candidature of an applicant is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after joining if any information furnished by the candidate is false or is found to be not conforming to eligibility criteria mentioned in the notification appearing for the CBT interview skill / practical test and pre-employment medical examination will not confer any right on the candidates for selection the company reserves the right to debar disqualify any candidates at any stage of selection proceeding for any reason whatsoever
  11. Those earlier employed on a permanent basis and had resigned take voluntary retirement terminated form FACT shall not be eligible to apply
  12. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the candidates will disqualify his/her candidature
  13. All appointments are subject to verification of character and antecedents appointments shall be valid only if the candidate is cleared after character and antecedent appointment shall be called only if the candidate is cleared after character and antecedents  verification and verification for caste/ EWS certificates etc., where applicable
  14. Any dispute with regard to recruitment against this notification will be settled in courts within the jurisdiction of Kochi only
  15. Any further notifications including any corrigenda regarding this recruitment will be published on the website of our company only and will not be published in newspapers and an indinavir dual message may not be sent candidates are required to check out the website 
  16. All documents related to this election shall be preserved only for a period of two years from the date of publication of the results

How to apply FACT Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

The selection process for FACT jobs

Important dates for FACT Notification

online application starting date: 19 – April -2023

online application ending date: 16 – May – 2023

Important links for FACT Vacancy

Application form,


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