Govt Hospital Recruitment in Kadapa

Govt Hospital Recruitment in Kadapa Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the following posts on contract

Govt Hospital Recruitment in Kadapa

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the following posts on a contract/outsourcing basis to work in Govt general Hospital Kadapa 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

Govt Hospital job and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about Govt Hospital jobs 2022 details given below 

Govt Hospital Recruitment in Kadapa for  DRA (outsourcing basis) 

Name of the post DRA (outsourcing basis)
Number of vacancies 3 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 12,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification 

Mist have passed SSC or its equivalent examination by Govt, of A.P 

2. Must hold a certificate of having successfully completed the Trg. course for Dark Room Ass. /DMIT in a Govt institution,

Pharmacist Gr. II (on contract basis) job

Name of the post Pharmacist Gr. II (on contract basis)
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs 28,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification The application must have passed SSc or equivalent exam and must have passed intermediate with Science group / D.Pharmacy.B-Pharmacy from the recognized institutions and registered with A.P \. Pharmacy registration council and valid as on the date of notification. Pharma-D (Doctor of Pharmacy candidates are not eligible

Lab Tech. Gr. II job

Name of the post Lab Tech. Gr. II
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 28,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification Pass in intermediate with DMLT course /intermediate vocational course with one year’s apprenticeship clinical training.BSc. with BZC/MLT from the recognized institutions and with A.P. Para medical board registration certificate which is valid as on the date of notification certificate  of completion of one-year training in identified j\hospitals and awarded apprenticeship completion certificate by the board of apprenticeship training GOI., Sothem region Chennai in case of intermediate Vocational MLT

DEO (outsourcing Basis) job

Name of the post DEO (outsourcing Basis)
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 15,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification Graduate in any discipline and one-year PGDCA course in computers 

MND (outsourcing) job 

Name of the post MND (outsourcing)
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 12,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification PAss in SSC or its equivalent examination and First Aid certificate 

FNO (outsourcing) job

Name of the post FNO (outsourcing)
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 12,000/- per month 
Upper age limit  18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification Pass in SSC or its equivalent examination and First Aid certificate 

Dialysis Technician (outsourcing basis) job

Name of the post Dialysis Technician (outsourcing basis)
Number of vacancies 3 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. 17,500/- per month 
Upper age limit 18 – 46 years 
Educational qualification Musr possess Diloma /B.Sc in Dialysis technical course from a recognized institution and should e required in AP ParamediclaBrad and valid as on the date of notification

How to apply Govt Hospital Recruitment 

  • The filled-in applications should e submitted in a sealed cover to the office of the superintendent Government General Hospital, Kadapa (or) by registered post (or) dropped in the boxes kept at the o/o the superintendent, Govr General Hospital, KLadqapa along with all required certificates. the applicants should write the name of the post, for which they are applying on the top of the cover 
  • The decision of the department /District selection committee pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection ad case may be and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or otherwise of ant candidate shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned under the powers wested with it. the department /DSC also reserves its right to mold regarding terms and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection duly intimating details thereof to all concerned as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of the process 

Rules of reservation:

 General Rule 22 of A.P. State and subordinate rules 1996 shall be followed 

Rule of the reservation to the local candidates is 80% and rest if t\e 20% is open for all the candidates claiming reservation ads local candidates should enclose the required study certificates from 4th class to 10th class issued by the concerned school authorities,.. in case of candidates who studied privately should submit the residence certificate issued by concerned tahsildar for a period of 7 years preceding to 10th class

Note 2: employees working in 104 (Mobile medical units) HDS/CDS/Aarogyasri HCT. Trauma care, APACS, NHM, and other GOI schemes who are appointed on contract /outsourcing basis through district selection committee or appropriated selection process whichever is welfare /commissioner of A.P vaidya Vidjhana Parishad /Director of medical education allowed for weightage marks vide GO.Rt, No 301 HM&FW (BI) Dept., dated 20.6.2020

Note3: The mars allowed for Covid 019 services shall be applicable only to the persons who have rendered their service for Covid -19 on a contract /outsourcing basis through District collector or ant other competent authority exclusively for Covid -19 pi\upose based on the orders issued by the government from time to time the service weightage should be calculated to the same cadre only vise letters Rc. No.4077/PI/2020 Dt: 17-11-2020 of the DME, A.P Vijayawada 

Conditions  on the appointment:

The candidates selected and appointed on a contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she is appointed included and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointed, not to any preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service the debt. or the person may revoke the contractual appointment r discontinue the contract by giving one-month notice in writing on either side, this contract would automatically cease to the respective obligations and liabilities without any formal or informal communication

  1. Candidates should enclose all mandatory certificates.\, filling which the application will be rejected
  2. In the absence, of completed marks lists (along with supplementary passed marks memos) the application liable for rejection
  3. Candidates not having up to date of renewals from respective councils /boards will be summarily rejected 
  4. In the absence, of proper certificates like caste/community (with categorization /physically handicapped/Ex-Servicemen, the candidate will be considered as O.C.,
  5. In the absence of the below-mentioned study, residence certificates the candidate will be considered as non-local proper study certificate from 4th class to 10th class (Seven) years of residence certificate from revenue authorities Tahsildar /MRO) (4th to 10th  with years and school name)
  6. Each applicant must pay an application process fee of Rs. 300/- into the HDS A/c No. 36872716571 of SBI RIMS Branch, Kadapa IFSC Code: SBINoo1o1o7 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for Govt Hospitals jobs

Important dates for Govt Hospital Notification

online application starting date: 5 – March -2022

online application ending date: 9 – March -2022

Important links for Govt Hospital Vacancy 

Application form,


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