ICFRE Recruitment 2022

ICFRE Recruitment 2022 The Indian Council of Forestry research and education is an autonomous council of the ministry

ICFRE Recruitment 2022

The Indian Council of Forestry research and education is an autonomous council of the ministry of environment forests and climate change government of India with its institutes at Dehardun, Allahabad, Shimla, Ranchi, Coimbatore, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, etc.,

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

ICFRE Jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about ICFRE jobs 2022 details  given below

Name of the posts and Number of vacancies

  1. Forests officer job 28 posts

ICFRE Recruitment 2022 for Forests officer

Name of the postForests officer
Num ber of vacancies 28 posts
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 13 per month
  1. The IPS/SFS offices who are willing to be considered for appointment on deputation against these vacancies with liability to serve anywhere in India under the council are requested to send their applications as per the enclosed proforma through proper channels to the secretary of the Indian council of forestry research and education P.O. New Forest 
  2. The state /UT government is requested to send the confidential reports for the last five years of vigilance clearance in respect of willing officers while forwarding their applications
  3. The tenure of all Indian service officers will be governed in accordance with the provisions under prevalent rules in this regard
  4. The officer on appointment on deputation to the council would get paid and allowed as per prevalent rules
  5. The counts reserve the right not to fill all or any of the vacancies advertised and also reserve the right to increase or decrease the vacancies mentioned in the aforesaid tale if the circumstance so warrant 
  6. In exceptional circumstance director general of ICFRE receives the right to relax the closing date for receiving applications

How to apply ICFRE Recruitment 

Application mode: interested candidates can apply through online mode only

Selection process ICFRE jobs

Important dates for ICFRE Notification

online application starting date: 18 – October  – 2022

online application ending date: 30 – November – 2022

Important links for ICFRE Vacancy

Application form,


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