ISRO Recruitment 2024

ISRO Recruitment 2024 ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC)  is the premier ground egment solution provider for

ISRO Recruitment 2024

ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC)  is the premier ground segment solution provider for ISRO’s satellite and launch vehicle missions as a part of this ISTRAC has established spacecraft control centers TTC ground station network deep space network  ground segment for   Navigation missions which includes a precise timing facility space science data center among other things in addition

Has recently released the recruitment notification for the following

ISRO jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Who are inserted and eligible candidates can apply online mode only

 Get more about ISRO jobs 2024 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1. Mechatronics job 2 posts
  2. Material science job 1 post
  3. Mathematics job 1 post
  4. Physics job 1 post
  5. Electronics mechanic job 63 posts
  6. Electrical /Electrician job 13 posts
  7. Photography / Digital photography job 5 posts
  8. Fitter job 17 posts
  9. Plumber job 3 posts
  10. Refrigeration and Air conditioning job 11 posts
  11. Turner job 2 posts
  12. Carpenter job 3 posts
  13. Motor vehicle mechanics job 2 posts
  14. Machinist job 5 posts
  15. Welder job 2 posts
  16. Draughtsman (Mechanical) job 11 post
  17. Draughtsman (Civil) job 5 posts
  18. Electronics job 28 posts
  19. Computer science job 6 posts
  20. Electrical job  posts 5 posts
  21. Civil job 4 posts
  22. Mechanical job 12 posts
  23. Chemistry job 2 posts
  24. Physics job 2 post
  25. Animation and multimedia job 1 post
  26. Mathematics job 1 post
  27. Library Assistant job 1 post
  28. Cook job 4 posts
  29. Fireman job  3 posts
  30. Light vehicle driver job  6 posts
  31. Heavy vehicle driver job 2 posts

ISRO Recruitment 2024 for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Name of the postScientific Assistant 
Number of vacancies4 posts
Upper age limit 18 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification First-class graduate in BSc (Chemistry) f from a recognized institution
First class graduate in BSc (Physic) from a recognized university insitution
First-class graduate in BSc (Animation and multimedia) from a recognized university 

Library Assistant  Job

Name of the postLibrary Assistant  
Number of vacancies1 post
Upper age limit 18 to 35 years 
Educational QualificationGraduate first class master’s degree in library science/ library and information science or equivalent from a recognized university institution

Cook job

Name of the postCook 
Number of vacancies4 posts
Upper age limit 18 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification 1. SSLC/SSC pass or its  equivalent 
2. 5 years experience in a similar capacity as a cook in a well-established hotel
3. Experience certificates from individuals will not be accepted

 Fireman job

Name of the post Fireman 
Number of vacancies3 posts
Upper age limit 18 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification 1. SSLC/SSC pass or its  equivalent 
2. Should satisfy the prescribed physical fitness standards and endurance test standards

Light Vehicle Driver job

Name of the postLight Vehicle Driver 
Number of vacancies6 posts
Upper age limit 18 to 35 years 
Educational Qualification 1. SSLC/SSC pass or its equvelnt
2. Must possess a valid  LVD license
3. Any other requirement of the Motor Vehicle Act of Ka Mataka State should be within 3 months from the date of joining the post
4. Total prescribed experience should be after obtaining a valid driving license

General Conditions:

  1. Applications made online will only be entertained physical applications will not be entertained 
  2. The posts  are temporary but likely to continue indefinitely 
  3. The number of vacancies indicated above is provisional and may vary depending on the actual requirements 
  4. The appointees are liable to be posted in any of the centers/units of the Indian Space Research Organization / Department of Space situated anywhere in India
  5. The appointees are liable to work round-the-clock shifts
  6. ISRO reserves the right either not to fill up all or any of the posts vacancies if so desires
  7. Only Indian nationals need to apply
  8. Candidates who pursued professional courses through open and distance/ learning (ODL) are not eligible to apply for recruitment to the post of scientist/engineer and technical Assistant candidates who registered to pursue student-leading 
  9. if a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility condition g given in the advertisement at the t time of the last date of receipt of the application  his/her candidature will be canceled summarily 
  10. Outstation candidates shortlisted for interview/ skill test after qualifying in the written test will be paid to and fro second  class sleeper railway fare by the  shortest distance from the address given in the online application

How to apply for ISRO Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only

Selection process for ISRO jobs

Important dates for ISRO Notificationn

online application starting date: 10 – February – 2024

online application ending date: 1 – March – 2024

Important links for ISRO Vacancy

Application form,


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