ECHS Coimbatore Nursing Recruitment 2024

ECHS Coimbatore Nursing Recruitment 2024 ECHS invites applications to engage the following Medical, Para Medical, and Non-Medical Staff

ECHS Coimbatore Nursing Recruitment 2024

ECHS invites applications to Engage the following Medical, para-medical, and Non-Medical Staff on contractual ECHS Polyclinics 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for the following 

ECHS Coimbatore Nursing jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more  about ECHS Coimbatore Nursing jobs 2024 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1.  Officer in Charge Polyclinic job 2 posts
  2. Gynecologist job 1 post
  3. Radiologist job 1 post
  4. Medical Specialist job 5 posts
  5. Physiotherapist job 1 post
  6. Radiographer job 2 posts
  7. Nursing Assistant job 1 post
  8. Lab Technician job 1 post
  9. Dental Officer jobs 3 posts
  10. Data Entry Operator job 1 post
  11. Clerk job 2 posts
  12. Chowkidar job 2 posts
  13. Female Attendant job 1 post
  14. Safaiwala job 2 posts

ECHS Coimbatore Nursing Recruitment 2024 for Officer in Charge Polyclinic

Name of the postOfficer in Charge Polyclinic
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 75,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 63 years
Educational QualificationGraduate retired Armed Forces officers have only a minimum 5 years of work experience in healthcare institutions or managerial positions

Gynecologist job

Name of the postGynecologist 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 1,00,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 68 years 
Educational QualificationMD/MS in Specialtycncerned DNB and 5 years in the specialty concerned after post-graduation

Radiologist job

Name of the postRadiologist 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 1,00,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 68 years
Educational Qualification A recognized medical qualification included in the first or second schedule of part II of the third/ schedule other than licentiate qualification of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 holders of educational qualification included in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the condition stipulated in the sub-section of section 13 of the Indian medical council act 
B, Postgraduate VI of the Central Health Services Regulation 
C, At least 3 years experience in the concerned specialty after obtaining the postgraduate degree or five years experience after obtaining a post-graduate diploma DMC registration is a must

Medical Specialist job

Name of the postMedical Specialist 
Number of vacancies 5 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 75,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 66 years
Educational QualificationMD/MS in the Specialty concerned and a minimum of 5 years of work experience after post-graduation

Physiotherapist job

Name of the postPhysiotherapist 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 28,100/- per month
Upper age limit 56 years
Educational QualificationDiploma / Class Physiotherapy course (Armed forces) 5 years of work experience 

Radiographer job

Name of the postRadiographer 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 28,100/- per month 
Upper age limit 56 years
Educational QualificationDiploma class Radigrapher course (Armed forces and minimum 5 years work experience

Nursing Assistant job

Name of the postNursing Assistant 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 28,100/- per month 
Upper age limit 56 years
Educational QualificationGNM Diploma/ Class Nursing Assistant course and 5 years work experience

Lab Technician job

Name of the postLab Technician 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 28,100/- per month
Upper age limit 56 years
Educational Qualification 1. B.Sc (MLT)
2. Matriculation / Higher Secondary/ Senior Secondary 10+2 with science from a recognized institution/board and DMLT from a recognized institution
3. Diploma in Medical Lab Technology from a recognized institution 
4. Minimum 3 years work experience as a lab Assistant in Medical Lab

Data and Time of Interview

Dental Officer jobs

Name of the postDental Officer 
Number of vacancies 3 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 75,000/- per month 
Upper age limit 63 years
Educational QualificationBDS and minimum 5 years experience after internship

Data Entry Operator job

Name of the postData Entry Operator 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 16,800/- per month 
Upper age limit 63 years
Educational QualificationGraduate / Clas clerical trade (Armed forces) and minimum 5 years of work experience

Clerk job

Name of the postClerk 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 16,800/- per month 
Upper age limit 53 years
Educational QualificationGraduate class clerical trade (Amed forces) and minimum 5 years of work experience

Chowkidar job

Name of the postChowkidar 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 16,800/- per month
Upper age limit 53 years
Educational QualificationClass 8th or GD trade for armed/forces personnel

Female Attendant job

Name of the postFemale Attendant 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salaryRs. 16,800/- per month 
Upper age limit 53 years
Educational QualificationLiferate minimum 5 years of work experience in civil /Army  health institution

Safaiwala job

Name of the postSafaiwala 
Number of vacancies 2 posts
Monthly salaryRs. 16,800/- per month 
Upper age limit 53 years
Educational QualificationLiterate minimum 5 years of work experience 

General Instructions:

  1. A separate application is required to be submitted  for each polyclinic in case more than one Polyclinic is being opted only those candidates meeting eligibility criteria and completed applications from shortlisted by the board of officers will be considered for interview 
  2. Candidates earlier employed in ECHS but whose services were terminated or blacklisted need not apply candidates who resigned purely due to unavoidable exigencies on personal reasons also need not apply for a period of 12 months from the conducting day of the existing contract these applications will be rejected
  3. The written test will be conducted if necessary for all categories at the time of the interview except the officer in charge chowkidar
  4. Candidates will  bring all original documents as applicable at the time of the interview no TA/DA will be admissible during the interview
  5. Employment of all individuals will be at the discretion of the appointing authority change in terms and conditions of employment arising out of unforeseen circumstances at any stage of employment without prejudice would be without compensation at the discretion of the appointing authority
  6. Changes to these Notices if any will be posted on the ECHS website only
  7. Candidates found using unfair means or creating a ruckus at the t time of the interview will be severely dealt with as per the Code of Criminal Procedure Act

How to apply for ECHS Coimbatore Nursing Recruitment

Application mode: Intersted candidates can apply through online mode only

selection process for ECHS Coimbatore Nursing jobs

Important dates for ECHS Coimbatore Nursing  Notification

online application ending date: 24 – February – 2024

Important links for ECHS Coimbatore Nursing  Vacancy

Application form,


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