National Institute of Disaster Management Govt jobs 2022

National Institute of Disaster Management Govt jobs 2022 The national institute of disaster management is seeking experienced qualified

National Institute of Disaster Management Govt jobs 2022

The national institute of disaster management is seeking experienced qualified candidates for the following positions purely on a contractual basis at NIDM, Delhi & South Campus 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

NIDM jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested  and eligible candidates can apply online only 

Get more about NIDM job 2022 details of name of the post, number of vacancies, monthly salary, upper age limit, place of work, educational qualification, desirable qualification, how to apply, selection process, details given 

National Institute of Disaster Management Govt jobs 2022   Junior Consultant (Resilient Infrastructure) job 

Name of the postJunio Consultant (Resilient Infrastructure) 
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs, 7,500 /- per month 
Upper age limit40 years 
Educational qualificationMasters of planning (Urban/Infrastructure / Environment etc.)Social Science/Disaster  Management /B.Tech (Civil Engineering) 

2. Junior Consultant (E-Leaming) Division job 

Name of the post Junior Consultant (E-Leniming) Division 
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 37,500/- per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educatonal qualification Graduate from a recognized university/institution. 

3. Junior Consultant (Traning) Traning Cell job 

Name of the post Junior Consultant ( Traning) Traning Cell
Number of vacancies 2 post
Monthly salary Rs. 37,500/- per month 
Upper age limit 40 years
Educational qualification Graduate from a recognized university /institution / Excellent communication and interpersonal skills ( both English and Hindi)

4. Consultant (Hostel Management) job

Name of the post Consultant `(Hostel Management) 
Number of vacancies 1 post
Monthly salary Rs. 25,000/- per month
Upper age limit 40 years
Educational qualification Grduarte from, recognized university/instution / expericne in handling /administrative/ logistic matters 

5. Consultant (Traning Coordinator Training Cell) job 

Name of the post Consultant (Traning Coordinator Traning Cell) 
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 50,000
Upper age limit 55 years 
Educational qualification 

Graduate from a recognized university  institute /  Excellent communication (both English and Hindi)  and interpersonal skills 

6. Junior Consutlant (Hoatel Support) job 

Name of the post Junior Consultant (Hotel Support) 
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 37,500 /- per month 
Upper age limit 50 years 
Educational qualification

Graduate from a recognized university /institution / Knowledge of computer application including. Office, Internet, Email, etc. 

Desirable: Prior Working experience in Govt./ Training institute/ Disaster Management 

How to apply NIDM Recruitment 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for NIDM jobs 

Important dates for NIDM Notification

offline application starting date: 7- January -2022

offline application ending date:21 – January -2022

Important links for NIDM Vacancy 

Application form,



Click to access National-Institute-of-Disaster-Management-Govt-Jobs.pdf


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