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Neonatal Hypoglycemia What Parents Need to Know Glucose is major sources for Energy of foetus and neonates Upto90& Glucose will consume by the brain What is hypoglycemia Hypo means Low, Glycemia is the Blood Glucose level Heart failure, Renal failure, Liver failure, Hypomagnesia, Pyrodoxine deficiency, Sepsis, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, Adrenal insufficiency Toxic Exposures, Metabaolic abnormalities Prevention of HYPOGLYCEMIA, Breast feeding wiyh in first 30mins, Frequent breast feeding, Supplimentation with formula at riskinfant, Prevent and teat hypothermia, Provide newborn care Altered nutrition lessthanbody requirement related to inadaquate supply of glucose, neonatal hypoglycemia, low blood sugar in newborns, newborn hypoglycemia symptoms, newborn hypoglycemia treatment, risk factors for neonatal hypoglycemia, how to prevent neonatal hypoglycemia

Neonatal Hypoglycemia What Parents Need to Know

Glucose is a major source for Energy of for fetus and neonates
Upto 90& Gluco se will consume by the brain

Introduction of Hypoglycemia in Newborns

What is hypoglycemia?

Hypo means Low,

Glycemia is the Blood Glucose level

It can happen Number of reasons,
That Includes delayed feeding,
premature baby, Meternal diabetes,

Symptoms of Neonatal Hypoglycemia

Causes for Newborn  hypoglycemia:

Risk factors 

Clinical Manifestation

Diagnosis for Neonatal hypoglycemia

RBS – Blood glucose test

Treatment for Neonatal Hypoglycemia:

The treatment for newborn hypoglycemia depends on the severity of the condition.

Mild cases may be treated with oral glucose or dextrose water.

More severe cases may require intravenous glucose or other medications.

Medical management:

The nursing assessment

Assessing the newborn’s history,

 Physical examination and blood sugar level,

The nurse can quickly identify newborns that are at risk for hypoglycemia

 Begin treatment promptly.

Here are some of the specific nursing assessments that should be performed on a newborn with hypoglycemia

History Collection:

 The nurse should ask about the mother’s pregnancy and delivery, as well as the newborn’s feeding history.

The nurse should also ask about any risk factors for hypoglycemia, such as prematurity,

Low birth weight

Maternal diabetes.

Physical examination:

The nurse should assess the newborn’s vital signs, neurological status, and skin color.

The nurse should also look for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as jitteriness, lethargy, and seizures.

Blood sugar level:

The nurse should check the newborn’s blood sugar level.

This can be done with a heel prick or a blood draw.

 The normal blood sugar level for a newborn is 70 to 150 mg/dL.

A blood sugar level of 45 mg/dL or lower was called hypoglycemia.

Based on the findings of the nursing assessment,

 The nurse will develop a plan of care for the newborn.

The Newborn care will include treatment for hypoglycemia,

as well as monitoring the newborn’s blood sugar level.

The nurse will also educate the parents about hypoglycemia and how to prevent it.

Differential Diagnosis for Hypoglycemia

Nursing Diagnosis for Hypoglycemia in Newborns

Deficient knowledge (parents) related to hypoglycemia

The nursing care plan for a newborn with hypoglycemia will be individualized to the specific needs of the newborn.

However, some common nursing interventions may include:

\Administering a glucose infusion

Monitoring the newborn’s blood sugar level

Educating the parents about hypoglycemia

Providing emotional support to the parents

With prompt diagnosis and treatment, most newborns with hypoglycemia do well.

 However, severe hypoglycemia can lead to complications,

Such as seizures, brain damage, and even death. Therefore,

 it is important to identify and treat hypoglycemia early.

Nursing Management for Neonatal Hypoglycemia


Prevention of Hypoglycemia,

Hypoglycemia complications

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