NIT Warangal Govt jobs

NIT Warangal Govt jobs National Institute of Technology Warangal Template for advertisement for the selection of project staff (from E-3) 

NIT Warangal Govt jobs

National Institute of Technology Warangal Template for advertisement for the selection of project staff (from E-3) 

Has recently released a recruitment notification for following 

NIT Warangal Govt jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about NIT Warangal Govt 2022 details given below

Name of the Post and  Number of Vacancies 

  1. Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 1 post 

NIT Warangal Govt jobs for Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Name of the post Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 31,000/- per month for the 2 years period
Upper age limit 30 years
Educational qualification 

1. B.E .B.Tech . or equivalent degree  in civil engineering (First class)

2. ME/M.Tech in Transporation engineering with valid GATE

A period of knowledge of the below-mentioned skills is desirable 

  1. Transportation planning 
  2. Transport and Environment
  3. Proficient in Travel behavior modeling and good analytical ability and competent writing skills
Project titler A Study of pedestrian exposure to traffic emissions and the consequences for their travel behavior
Sponsoring agency Department of Science and Technology -science and engineering research board (DST-SERB)Startup research gant 

Job Nature:

In this project, candidates need to perform 

  1. Traffic Emissions data collection
  2. travel behavior data collection
  3. Traffic Emissions impact analysis 

Other benefits: The selected candidates are eligible to register for a Ph.D. degree at NIT, Warangal as per institute rules however (he) needs to apply for a Ph.D. position when the advertisement is open 

Please note:

  1. The position is purely temporary
  2. Please enclose a brief resume/curriculum vitae/Bio-data along with the applications form
  3. A list of eligible candidates will be announced on the institute website and also intimated through email or phone
  4. The shortlisted candidate will have to attend an interview (online/offline )
  5. If interviews need to be conducted online candidates are expected to have a good intern connection
  6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview 

How to apply to NIT Warangal Govt Recruitment

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

Selection Process for NIT jobs

Important Dates for NIT Warangal Govt Notification

online application starting date: 7 – April -2022

online application ending date: 7 – May -2022

Important Links for NIT Warangal Govt Vacancy

Application form,


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