NRSC Recruitment In Hyderabad 2023

NRSC Recruitment In Hyderabad 2023 The National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) is one of the constituent centers of the Indian

NRSC Recruitment In Hyderabad 2023

The National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) is one of the constituent centers of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Department of Space (DOS) responsible for the ground segment of remote sensing program through satellite data acquisition archival Processing Dissemination remote sensing applications training and capacity building it has five regional centers located 

Has recently released the recruitment notification  for the following

NRSC jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about NRSC jobs 2023 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1. Technician – B (Electronics Mechanic) job 33 posts
  2. Technician – B (Electrical) job 8 posts
  3. Technician – B (Instrument mechanic) job 9 posts
  4. Technician – B (Photography) job 2 posts
  5. Technician – B (Desktop Publishing Operator ) job 2 posts

NRSC Recruitment In Hyderabad 2023  for Technician – B (Desktop Publishing Operator ) 

Name of the postTechnician – B (Electronics Mechanic)
Number of vacancies33 posts
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 3 per month 
Upper age limit Minimum 18 years to Maximum 35 years 
Educational QualificationSSLC /SSC pass ITI/NTC/NAC in electronics mechanic trade from NCVT

Technician – B (Electrical) job

Name of the postTechnician – B (Electrical) 
Number of vacancies8 posts
Monthly salaryPay level 3 per month 
Upper age limit Minimum age 18 years to Maximum age 35 years 
Educational QualificationSSLC/SSC Pass ITI/NTC/NAC in electrical trade from NCVt

Technician – B (Instrument mechanic) job

Name of the postTechnician – B (Instrument mechanic)
Number of vacancies9 posts
Monthly salaryPay level 3 per month 
Upper age limit Minimum age 18 years to Maximum age 35 years 
Educational Qualification SSLC/SSC Pass 
ITI/NTC/NAC in instrument mechanic trade from NCVT

Technician – B (Photography) job

Name of the postTechnician – B (Photography) 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryPay level 3 per month 
Upper age limit Minimum age 18 years to Maximum age 35 years 
Educational QualificationITI /NTC/NAC in Digital Photography/ Photography trade from NCVT

Technician – B (Desktop Publishing Operator ) job

Name of the postTechnician – B (Desktop Publishing Operator ) 
Number of vacancies2 posts
Monthly salaryPay level 3 per month 
Upper age limit Minimum age 18 years to Maximum age 35 years 
Educational QualificationITI/NTC/NAC in Desktop publishing operator trade form NCVT

Selection process:

The mode of selection will be a written test or a  skill test the written test will be conducted in such a way that the theoretical and practical knowledge of the  candidates is tested covering both the breadth and depth of the prescribed curriculum of the relevant trade

General Conditions/ Instruction to Candidates:

  1. It is the absolute responsibility of the candidates to ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and such other conditions as notified in the advertisement 
  2. Only passed-out candidates are eligible to apply candidates waiting for the final result need not apply
  3. The number of  vacancies indicated above is provisional and may vary depending on the actual requirements
  4. The educational qualifications  which are required for the above posts should be possessed valid and issued as on the last date of receipt of applications
  5. The candidates registered under the National Career Services (NCS) portal and fulfilled the eligibility conditions may  visit the NRSC website and follow the application producer as stated
  6. Candidates will have to produce proof of the details furnished in their applications submitted online as and when called for 
  7. While applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria and other  requirements and that the particulars furnished by them are  correct in all responses in case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment process that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria
  8. Applications that are not in conformity with the requirements indicated in this advertisement and incomplete applications will not  be entertained
  9. Candidates should avoid submitting multiple applications for the same postcode the last submitted online applications will be considered final for all purposes
  10. Candidates have to mandatorily submit all relevant original documents in proof of details furnished in their online applications at the time of the skill test if any information furnished online is found to be wrong or false the candidate will not be allowed for the skill test and traveling allowance will not be paid
  11. Candidates  belonging to PwBD should produce the original disability certificate in the prescribed format as given 
  12. Only Indian Nationals need to apply
  13. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification
  14. Incomplete applications like those without photograph signature, mark sheets 
  15. Candidates should be willing to undergo biometric verification if required
  16. Candidates in their own interest are advised to apply well in advance of the due date NRSC will not be responsible for failure to apply due to whatsoever reason within the last date
  17. In case an ambiguity/ dispute arises on account of the interpretation of any clause in the Hindi version of this recruitment notification
  18. It may be noted that the corrigendum if any related to any modifications to the essential qualification requirement 

How to apply for NRSC Recruitment

Application mode: Intersted candidates can apply online mode only

Selection process for NRSC jobs

Important dates for NRSC Notification

online application starting date: 9 – December – 2023

online application ending date: 31 – December  – 2023 

Important links for NRSC Vacancy

Application form,


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