

Nursing Staff Duties and Resposibilities


Nursing supervisor

A nursing Supervisor is responsible to the  management of the Hospital ward / departments and supervision of the Nursing and Domestic staff. She is entirely responsible for the efficiency of Nursing Care 

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  1. Patient care:
  2. Prepares patient care assignment
  3. Assists staff in planning nursing care.
  4. Arranges duty hours for professional and non professional staff.
  5. Co-ordinates and facilities work of Para medical staff
  6. Evaluations patient care given
  7. Gives a orientation to new staff
  8. Accompanies the medical officer during the ward round

B, Administration:

Responsibilities for the General Administration of the ward

  1. Maintains a health and comfortable environment for the patient
  2. Maintains inventories from time to time verifies the article against the stock Register
  3. Has an overall responsibility for the safe custody of ward linen,

      Furniture and equipment

  1. Responsible for the correct rendering of indents, memorandum and reports
  2. Responsible for economy in the expenditure of non diet articles
  3. Verifies indent of drugs and cheeks the distribution
  4. Supervise distribution of diets to the patients.
  5. Maintains good Public relations and investigates complaints if any
  6. Restricts movements of visitors.
  7. Evaluates Performances of staff


C. Clinical Supervision:


  1. Teaching and supervision of Nursing care
  2. Maintaining Clinical experience records
  3. Checking and signing procedures.
  4. Guides students with nursing procedures
  5. Plan and carry out ward teaching.
  6. Evaluation and conference with students





Nursing Superintendent:


The Nursing Superintendent is directly responsible to the Head of

Institution for efficient Nursing Care to all patients in the Hospital.

  1. She is Responsible for the General supervision of nursing care

Given to the patients and all Nursing activities within the Nursing Unit.

  1. She prepares the mastyer plan for professional and non professional

Staff under her control.

  1. She plans in co-operation with the nursing Supervisors for effective administration and Nursing care
  1. She Gives orientation to all new Personnel under her control
  2. She is in charge of Hospital linen and adequate supply of the same towards/


  1. Maintains various records and reports such as record of health leave Sanctioned, Confidential reports ete.
  1. Supervises the health needs and welfare of the Nurses personnel.
  2. Maintains Discipline of Nures and Auxiliary staff
  3. Conducts staff meeting to discuss ways and means for improving nurses Serves.
  1. Serves as counselor and guides to the staff
  2. Conducts procedures conduct selection and recruit-out of Students
  3. Arrange for clinical experience of the student Nurses
  4. Arranges for and conducts examination for the trainees.




General care of the patient:

  1. Admission of patient,
  2. Personal care -including bathing, Mouth care, Hair combing & Shampoo
  3. Treatment of Pedicurists.
  4. Care of hands, feet, nails
  5. care of pressure points.
  6. Giving and removal of bed pans and urinals.
  7. Application of Hot water bottles, ice caps
  8. Feeding of Patients.

Technical care:

  1. Taking and recording of temperature, pulse and respiration.
  2. Administration of Medicines and injections.
  3. Enema
  4. Cauterization.
  5. Dressings.
  6. Irrigation
  7. Oxygen Therapy
  8. Pre and postoperative care.
  9. Preparation of patient care of discharge
  10. Last offices of the dead


Auxiliary and Clerical:

  1. Assistance and instructions to patients and relatives.
  2. Care of patients clothing and valuables.
  3. Bed making with or without patient
  4. Maintenance of nominal register.
  5. Preparation of invalid diets.
  6. Distribution of drugs.
  7. Recording of Drugs administered.
  8. Indenting and accounting for drugs, maintenance of sub store, indent for surgical supplies, stores, Drugs,

      Urine collection, treatment teaching, reporting, collecting,

      labeling and dispatching of specimen

  1. Preparation for and assistance in chemical tests, Medical procedures and intravenous Infusions, assisting the Medical officer with various examinations of Patients and treatment.



Nursing Procedures and Nursing Interventions

We are providing online Nursing Education seresies through following links

Needle Stick Injury Policy and Procedure of Post Exposure prophylaxis


Bio Medical Waste Management Types of Waste Safe Disposal


ICU Orientation and Various Tray’s in Intensive Care Unit


ECG for Beginner Understanding Electrocardiography the waves of EKG


Total Parenteral Nutrition Indications Care & Complications


Baby Bath Procedure Video


Newborn Care of the Baby at Time of Birth  Care Responsibilities Video


Injection Types Purposes Complications Z Track Video


Endoscopy Purposes Indications  Video


Surgical Dressing responsibilities Wound Care Video


Types of bandages Purposes Complications Care Video


Appendicitis Signs and Symptoms Etiology management Assessment

 Introduction of Operation Theater setting up of OT Video


Hand washing Technique How to Sanitization of hands Seven Steps Video


Anatomy and physiology watch online Classes


Liver Biopsy Procedure Indications Care


Liver Function Tests Types Introduction How to Prepare for Procedure


Thoracentesis Indications Care Procedure and Complications


Fracture Types Care Complications


CVA Types Stroke Symptoms Treatment Management


Head Injury Complications Treatment care


Abdominal paracentesis Procedure Purposes Complications care


Cricothyrodotomy Procedure Care Artificial Breathing


NG Tube procedure Ryle’s tube feeding procedure


Types of Shock Signs and Symptoms First Aid and Care

Carcinogenic Shock first Aid

Minor Disorders During Pregnancy Home Remedies

 Blood Transfusion Facts Risks Procedures Side Effects

Intramuscular Injection Procedure

Bed Making Procedure Types of Beds Purposes and Principles General Instructions for Patient

Pregnancy Diet How to Improve Mother health and Growth of Fetus

Bed Bath Procedure Types of baths Bed Bath  Procedure

Diabetes Mellitus Types Treatment Signs and Symptoms Diet Plan

Vomiting Causes Medical Management Care Home Remedies

Children Growth and Development Influence Factors Growth & development

 For Nursing Interventions  Tutorials, Nursing Care Procedure first Aid related information Click Here


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