Nursing Jobs In UP 2024

Nursing Jobs In UP 2024 Kalyan Singh Super Specialty Cancer Institute Lucknow (KSSSCI) invites online applications

Nursing Jobs In UP 2024

Kalyan Singh Super Specialty Cancer Institute Lucknow (KSSSCI) invites online applications from the citizens of India for direct recruitment on various nonteaching posts through an online written examination

 No applications /fees will be accepted after the last date of submission of the application fee as against the above advertisement as per the published examination schedule on the institute website the applicant will not be able to print out his application unless the bank adjusts his fee therefore the fee from the bank should be mandatorily adjusted by the candidates

Has recently released a recruitment notification for the following

Nursing jobs and other vacancies through online mode only

Those who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only

Get more about Nursing Jobs 2024 details given below

Name of the posts and Number of Vacancies

  1. OT Technician job 8 posts
  2. Anaesthesia Technician job 5 posts
  3. Audio Visual Technician job 1 post
  4. ECG Technician job 1 post
  5. Echo Technician job 1 post
  6. Emergency Medical Technician job 1 post
  7. Blood Bank Technician job 1 post
  8. Pathology Technician job 2 posts
  9. PFT Technician job 1 post
  10. Biomedical Technician job 1 post
  11. Microbiology Technician job 1 post
  12. Medical Gas Pipe Line Technician job 1 post
  13. Radiology Technician job 1 post
  14. Radiotherapy Technician job 2 posts
  15. Clinical Psychologist job 1 post
  16. Junior Engineer (Civil) job 1 post
  17. Junior Engineer (Electrical) job 1 post
  18. Nursing Officer job 264 posts
  19. Technician (Dialysis) job 2 post
  20. Nuclear Medicine Technologist job 3 posts 
  21. OT Assistant job 19 posts

Nursing Jobs In UP 2024 for Medical Gas Pipe Line Technician

Name of the postOT Technician
Number of vacancies8 posts
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 6 per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educational Qualification Intermediate (Science) with Diploma in OT Technician/Dipoa in Minimal Access Surgical Technician

Anaesthesia Technician job

Name of the postAnaesthesia Technician 
Number of vacancies5 posts
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educational Qualification Intermediate (Science) with a Diploma in Anaesthesia and Critical Care technician 

Audio Visual Technician job

Name of the postAudio Visual Technician 
Number of vacancies5 posts
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educational Qualification Intermediate (Science) with Diploma in Computer Application

ECG Technician job

Name of the postECG Technician
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educational Qualification Intermediate (Science) with Diploma In Cardiology Technician

Echo Technician job

Name of the postEcho Technician 
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educational Qualification Intermediate (Science) with Diploma in Cardiology technician

Emergency Medical Technician job

Name of the postEmergency Medical Technician
Number of vacancies1 post
Monthly salaryRs. Pay level 5 per month 
Upper age limit 40 years 
Educational Qualification Intermediate (Science) with a diploma in Emergency and Trauma care technician

General Conditions:

  1. Aspiring applicants satisfying eligibility criteria in all respects can submit their applications online mode only online applications
  2. Applicants must fulfil all essential criteria for educational qualification, and age limit as per appended guidelines
  3. Individual application and application fees are required to be submit remitted for each post separately in case of candidates applying for more than one post
  4. Online registration and submission process schedule will  be published on the institute website examination will be conducted according to the published schedule candidates 
  5. Before applying candidates must read the mandatory qualifications and other prescribed for vacant posts and must ensure that they hold the  required mandatory qualifications and other posts only those who are  covered under the prescribed age limit can apply online
  6. Candidates must tick the requested post while registering  otherwise his/her application will not be accepted 
  7. The number of vacancies mentioned in the above table may  increase or decrease in case of a lesser number of candidates for the said posts the competent authority reserves the right to conduct the offline examination
  8. No document including printed/ hard copies of online application forms is required to be sent  by post however applicants are advised to keep one printed/ hard copy of their application forms with themselves
  9. Candidates are required to give their preference amongst the choices of cities in which the exam is to be conducted (a list of cities will be declared at the time of filling out the application form). The exam centre will be given at the time 
  10. No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in the Written test/ Skill Test/ Interview
  11. All Disputes/differences or litigations shall be subject to the territorial jurisdiction of Lucknow Court only
  12. Director KSSCL Lucknow reserves the right to fill any or all  of the advertised  posts or not to fill same without assigning any reason thereof

How to apply for Nursing Recruitment

Application mode: Intersted  candidates  can apply through online mode only

The selection process for Nursing jobs

Important Dates for Nursing Notification

online application starting date: 1 -January – 2024

Important links for Nursing Vacancy

Application form,


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