ONGC Govt jobs in Mumbai

ONGC Govt jobs in Mumbai Oil and Natura; Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) A "Maharatna" Public sector enterprise and India's flagship

ONGC Govt jobs in Mumbai

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) A “Maharatna” Public sector enterprise and India’s flagship energy major engaged in exploration and production of oil and gas in India and abroad intends to engage Doctor on a contract basis on the following posts at its locations in Mumbai Panvel and Nhava 

                          i) Filed medical officer (FMO) (onshore /offshore posting (14 days on/of))

                          ii) Visiting specialists (Panvel) 

The details of posts qualification required and the honorarium to be paid are mentioned in the table below the period of contract shall be til 30-6-2022 the job is purely on a contract basis and does not carry any liability on the part of ONGC to grant regular appointment at any stage 

Has recently released the recruitment notification for following 

ONGC Govt jobs and other vacancies through online mode only 

Who are interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode only 

Get more about ONGC Govt jobs 2022 details given below

ONGC Govt jobs in Mumbai  for Field Medical Officers (FMO)

Name of the post Field Medical Officers (FMO)
Number of vacancies 18 posts 
Monthly salary Rs.1,05,000/- per month 
upper age limit 65 years 
Educational qualification Bachelors of Medicine and Bachelors of Surgery  (MBBS)

Physician job

Name of the post Physician 
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs . 2,500/- per visit of 2 hours 
Upper age limit 65 years 
Educational qualification MD General Medicine

General Surgeon job

Name of the post General Surgeon
Number of vacancies 1 post 
Monthly salary Rs. 2,500/- per visit of 2 hours
Upper age limit 65 years 
Educational qualification Ms. General Surgery 

Pediatrician job

Name of the post Pediatrician 
Number of vacancies 1 posts 
Monthly salary Rs. 2,500/- per visit of 2 hours 
Upper age limit 65 years 
Educational qualification MD (Pediatrics)

How to apply ONGC Govt Recruitment 

Candidates need to attach the following documents in of format in their online form on the weblink and summit the same

  • Scanned copy of any one photo identity proof like PAN Card Adhar card, passport, driving licenses, voter I Card
  • Scanned copy of passport size photography in jpg /jpeg format
  • Class 10th board certificate containing data of birth (DOB) no other proof for determining the date of birth shall be considered 
  • All semester MBBAS Marks sheets 
  • internship completion certificate
  • MBBS.NS/MD Degree 
  • Valid registration certificate with the statutory registration council Limke MCI etc.
  • SC/ST/OBC castes Certificate (in case of OBC candidates caste certificate/NCL Certificate should be in central government format) and the income & assets certificate in case EWS candidates 
  • PWD certificate (if applicable) certificate of disability should be issued by the civil surgeon in the case of PWD certificate the minimum degree of disability in order for a person to be eligible for any concessions /benefits would be 40% 
  • proof of higher qualification (if any)  mark sheet if all semesters and degree /diploma a certificate
  • Experience certificate (if any)
  • No objection certificate (NOC) from an existing employer if any ( in case the candidate is a regular employee in a Govt organization/PSU)
  • Valid proof of a change of name (in case applicable)

b. in case ant difficulty in uploading their documents in the weblink the candidates can mail the same on our email

d, In case of a face to face interview candidates, will be required to bring the above documents in original along with a set of self-attested photocopies id documents and report to DGN (HR) -I/C R&P as per date time and venue initiated 

e. Shorlisted candidates shall ve called for either a face-to-face interview or through video conferencing (to be decided later by ONGC) based on a preliminary verification of the documents submitted by the candidate. the candidates are therefore advised to submit complete documented and true and correct data in the web link in case of failure to submit complete information or a complete set of documents their candidate is liable to be rejected 

General Instructions:

  1. Candidates can apply for one post only 
  2. In case of candidates submitting multiple applications, the last application shall be considered as final for consideration of candidature
  3. Engagement is purely temporary on a contract basis and can be terminated at any time by giving one month’s notice by either side
  4. Engagement ion contract would be subject to medical fitness
  5. No claim for regular employment in ONGC by virtue of this contractual engagement shall be entertained at any stage
  6. Selected candidates will be paid consolidated monthly remuneration above
  7. on successful completion of one year period an annual increase for Rs. 1500/- may be considered for field medical officer (FMO) this would be in addition to remuneration free boarding and lodging  while on duty at offshore
  8. Twelve days casual level will be granted in a calendar year on a pro-rata basis one casual leave will be allowed for a month maternity level will be granted as per the maternity benefit amendment act. to the4 female doctors subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions laid down in the cat 
  9. Selected candidates shall ve required to sign a contract agreement as per the terms and conditions of ONGC
  10. SC/ST/OBC/EWS reservation  is provided as per government guidelines
  11. Contract tenure will commence from the date of joining 
  12. The contract shall end on expiry of the prescribed period and mo separated notice shall be required to be given
  13. Candidature /contract of candidates submitting false certificate or suppression /submission of incorrect information shall be liable for termination /disqualification/rejection at ant stage 
  14. only Indian nationals need to apply 

Application mode: Interested candidates can apply through online mode only 

The selection process for ONGCGovt jobs

Important Dates for ONGC Govt Notification

online application starting date: 2 – March -2022

online application ending date: 8 – March -2022

Important links for ONGC Govt Vacancy 

Application form,


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